i suppose i'm used to the kick in the s2k the DSg seemed quiet smooth; there was some movement in the golf on pull away, kind of jerky, but not so bad you would be annoyed with it.
as said above it is a great car, and possibly still a contender. i think i've go the salesmanager taking the car out with me next time. the lad i had was a new kid, 4 days in to the job; and he was great, really easy to deal with. but the route didn't give me enough twisties to really try it, and i think i needed longer to get used to the auto; i spent a lot of time thinknig anrd reminding myself to not move my clutch leg. i'm used to my feet doing so much more work
must admit i had the same thing with the zed, first test drive didn't fully sell me the car,
must admit i am looking forward to my next lot of test driving which will hopefully be M3 territory.
did you have to go on the 'approved' route set by the saleperson? I hate that with a passion!! I was test driving lotus' last year with a mind to buying and had a perfect route planned around the local area but was only allowed to go on there route, wasnt best pleased with it!