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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. 1. Slimjim 2. sparky350Z 3. sparky350Z 4. yankeesiter 5. djrm 6. ewan221 7. rob d 8. Willy P 9. Willy P 10. James B 11. Rothers2901 12. Rothers2901 13. Ricey 14. Ricey 15. Slimjim 16. DoogyRev 17. DoogyRev 18. mc 19. UNABASHED
  2. give him a shout m8 as you can see it fits. I gave him many shouts but he ceased all contact with me after arranging to meet me, hsame really as the v2's seemed to be of good quality and fitment. saying that, even if the quality is now superb he's still a ****.
  3. those wheels look horrible, each to there own of course but I'd save for something that suits the zed better.
  4. thats my bumper then! I thought Rik must have run out of them due to the fact thats been months since it was suppsoed to be fitted to my car!! I'm struggling to find anywhere that does a reasonably priced v2 style front while also been of reasonable quality. hey ho, the search continues.
  5. Looks great! Where did you get the bumper?
  6. sounds interesting, will keep on eye on this! Welcome to the club
  7. I decided to leave mine on as I don't track the car so no real need to go past 112mph!
  8. 2 options. first is to get a delimiter, think HKS do them but a bit pricer for what they actually do. second option is to get is remapped by somewhere like RS Tuning or Abbey, this will cost more but as well as having the limit taken off you will also have the car mapped to drive better.
  9. the jap satnav doesn't work over here, best bet is to get a satnav or even better get a built in NurrishNav
  10. RAC just been out and all sorted, wasn't taking a charge at all at first but finally got her going and just took her on a nice little drive to get battery up to speed once more
  11. i suppose i'm used to the kick in the s2k the DSg seemed quiet smooth; there was some movement in the golf on pull away, kind of jerky, but not so bad you would be annoyed with it. as said above it is a great car, and possibly still a contender. i think i've go the salesmanager taking the car out with me next time. the lad i had was a new kid, 4 days in to the job; and he was great, really easy to deal with. but the route didn't give me enough twisties to really try it, and i think i needed longer to get used to the auto; i spent a lot of time thinknig anrd reminding myself to not move my clutch leg. i'm used to my feet doing so much more work must admit i had the same thing with the zed, first test drive didn't fully sell me the car, must admit i am looking forward to my next lot of test driving which will hopefully be M3 territory. did you have to go on the 'approved' route set by the saleperson? I hate that with a passion!! I was test driving lotus' last year with a mind to buying and had a perfect route planned around the local area but was only allowed to go on there route, wasnt best pleased with it!
  12. the fact your dad is upbeat is great, just concentrate on keeping him feeling that way. Hard times ahead I know but I wish u all he best.
  13. nice, thought not sure its that much nicer than previous model. and the Andy guy always annoys me as he never fills me with confidence that he knows whats going on (with life as much as the GTR)
  14. my friend just got an R32 that she has been saving for over last couple of years, its the VW blue and I must say it certainly looked the business from the outside. I've not had a chance to drive it yet (I'm promised a go this week!) but i'm quite excited as its always been a contender for 'next car'. good write up
  15. do you have details of either the battery or the place u got it - or ideally both?
  16. I recently started a new job which came with a company car, this has lead to me not driving the zed as much and it made sense to leave her in the drive rather than take on on the nasty slippy and salty UK roads. I've been trying to keep starting and driving around my street once a week but have not done so for the past fortnight. I went out on friday to give her a little boost and it seemed like the battery had gone as wouldn't start and just made a loud ticking nice. I tried using a booster pack to give the battery a little pick me up but it made no difference, I then used some jump leads to try get her going but still nothing. Now there is literally no response, no ticking when turning key and none of the electrics work at all. I am assuming this means the battery is kaput and so will be trying to source a replacement this week. Does anyone know what battery to go for as i remember reading that the JDM battery is tricky to replace due to its size? I might get the RAC to come out and confirm it is just the battery as I have 4 call outs to use up before january anyway and its nice to get my moneys worth from them
  17. Congrats slim! I think all sales should be done via means of a raffle in future - seller still gets the same money and everyone has a bit of fun!
  18. did someone shout me? paid up now guys so lets get it on!!!
  19. I remember seeing this when i was looking for everything zed related before I got mine, should have used an azure!
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