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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. Welcome Car looks great - what front lip is that?
  2. 1. glrnet 2. spursmaddave 3. Vik54 4. S14KW 5. LRFAN 6. Stew 7. DawnC / TT350z 8. Jenni 9. zmanalex 10. Wasso 11.M13KYF 12.Neo 13. Ricer Bloke from the U.S.A 14.CMCK13 15. NeilMH 16. SteveM 17. Buckley 18. Ruddles 19. Clarkie34 20. Daryl 21. RisingPower 22. 5tu 23. UNABASHED count me in
  3. ebay or sarah at chilli red sell them, any local exhaust place can fit it for not much money
  4. looks like a NATO equipment serial number??
  5. I do quite like the orange accentuations though..
  6. have you looked at Scorpion exhaust? around same cash and not too loud and chavvy sounding, with no drone on motoways. I'm sure people have said cobra is a lot deeper and dronier - try toutube to compare
  7. seen this a while ago, there's a few videos floating about. Looks pretty fast i guess
  8. I'll be up for it but not straight away - I'd be more intersted with a timescale of a couple of months....
  9. I have an expensive few months coming up and so don't think i'll have the cash for this in time, don't wanna mess you around with maybes!
  10. You know what, I absolutely love that! Good job!
  11. But joking aside, I hate bowling. Not entirely sure what the attraction is other than the fact you can drink and order food while playing.
  12. so are there any advantages to having 35 on front and 30 on back or would it be more sensible to go with 35 front and back or 30 front and back?? Need to make a decision today and so doing thes last sums to make decision!!
  13. So 245/35 & 275/30 is fine? only if your buying my wheels yes mate imo they will be fine just make sure there a good brand such as Falken fk452 your into the final 2
  14. are there any advantages to having 35 on front and 30 on back or would it be more sensible to go with 35 front and back?
  15. So 245/35 & 275/30 is fine?
  16. But what about 35 front and 30 rear?
  17. Ok, with 19" wheels running 275 rear and 245 front should the profiles match? Seen a few selling with 245/35/19 & 273/30/19 - is this correct??
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