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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. I HATE posts like this, i never catch the initial issues and then im clueless to what's going on! lol
  2. never mentioned anything about the fast car, more your attitude to speeding! I'll let others recommend snoopers to you as i don't use them personally.
  3. no idea what you are talking about, but i forgive you anyway
  4. are they quite quiet or quiet quiet?
  5. you wont find any (unmodified!) Azure's with a buldge as they had stopped producing them by the time the buldging bonnets made it
  6. I've been caught speeding but made a mental note to slow down in future, certainly didnt do the exact same thing 3 days later!
  7. slow down a little and you might spot them!
  8. sure there's a thread about this already, can't remember the outcome though!
  9. if your line can only handle 3.5Mbs then it's a waste of money paying for itnernet up to 20Mbs
  10. It's probably your line and nothing to do with sky. My line only allows 1Mb so I took the cheapest broadband possible until fibreoptic became available. If you are with BT then give them a call to do a line check and see what speeds your line is capable of
  11. Banned if you live there but not for tourists
  12. the GTR has screen's that you can personalise to a point
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