well it's not been the best fortnight since buying the car!
I was travelling down the M62 a couple of hours ago to see the missus, suddenly the engine light flashes on and T/C lights up as well as the SLIP light, as this happens power suddenly drops out so from going at just under 70 car will no longer push past 40. I slow it down, put hazzards on and start to pull over, by this point (only a few seconds since it began) the engine picks up again and all seems okay(ish) but lights are still on. I turn off engine and let everything settle a little, then try firing up again, takes a heart stopping couple of seconds but the engine starts and things seem okay.
As a precaution I called the RAC, I tried doing the accelerator pedal morse code thing but no joy this time. The RAC chap came out and tried to read the code but not working, I mention that it's an import (as I did on the phone to RAC call centre) and he says it's impossible to read the codes for imports in this country. To cut a long story short he says he suspects the crank or camshaft sensor - which ties in with what ZMANALEX said - and that I ought to go back home as it was only 10 mile away, drive slow and he would follow me to make sure I was okay. Spent about 40 mins nursing her back home, always under 35 - much to the dismay of everyone else on the road. It did at least cheer me up to be the cause of such Northern hatred