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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. car was serviced 3 weeks ago and braking efficiency was fine, no issues whatsoever. bit gutted to replace brakes when they are braking fine but if it has to be done it has to be done i guess! what sort of price would you be wanting for the JDM brakes you have?
  2. I was told that both front discs are pitted on the innerside
  3. took my car in for it's first MOT today and it's failed on front pads and discs. The car had only been serviced 3 weeks ago and I was told they were all fine so I'm a bit skeptical at the moment and will be having a good nosey around once its daylight! MOT chap called me with the bad news and said he couldn't get discs for replacement until Tuesday, that's fine I told him as I would be getting my own sorted out. Now, I have only owned the car a few months and I'm still working out which brands/priducts seem to work well and are respected by owners. EBC seems to be a good name for the 350 (although it wasn't for my previous car!) and wondered if anyone had any experience - good or bad - to share with me? Also if anyone has any other recomendations ofr me that will be just as good I have standard brakes so it's non-brembo sets I'm looking for and I'm on a budget as this wasnt something I was expecting and have just blown a lot of money thinking I had nothing to spend it on this month - typical!
  4. I had the light come on lastweek and it was cam shaft positio sensorfault - apparently vey common! Took it to Nissan and they said no fault found?!
  5. gutted for you mate! watch ebay for next few weeks - they may just 'happen' to turn up on there lol
  6. I saw a matt black GTR with gunmetal wheels last night on way to gym, it was absolutely stunning
  7. I recently purchased an 03 import Z, the radio is still set up for Japanese market. If I want to sort it out for UK radio bandwidth what options and pricing do i have? band expander? If I replace the headunit with aftermarket or UK Bose system will this be all I need for radio to work? I need to replace the headunit anyway as the CD player does not work.
  8. I don't generally like red cars, especially not the Z, but that looks very very nice
  9. would have loved to come to this and Oulton is just around the corner from my gf's house - unfortunately we're on holiday for that day Will definitely be up for this if any more dates come up.
  10. looks like the light/shadow to me
  11. how much did it cost for 5 litres then? I just got the same from opieoils for £53 - and that included an extra litre for top ups and delivery (August sale though so not available all the time).
  12. well it's not been the best fortnight since buying the car! I was travelling down the M62 a couple of hours ago to see the missus, suddenly the engine light flashes on and T/C lights up as well as the SLIP light, as this happens power suddenly drops out so from going at just under 70 car will no longer push past 40. I slow it down, put hazzards on and start to pull over, by this point (only a few seconds since it began) the engine picks up again and all seems okay(ish) but lights are still on. I turn off engine and let everything settle a little, then try firing up again, takes a heart stopping couple of seconds but the engine starts and things seem okay. As a precaution I called the RAC, I tried doing the accelerator pedal morse code thing but no joy this time. The RAC chap came out and tried to read the code but not working, I mention that it's an import (as I did on the phone to RAC call centre) and he says it's impossible to read the codes for imports in this country. To cut a long story short he says he suspects the crank or camshaft sensor - which ties in with what ZMANALEX said - and that I ought to go back home as it was only 10 mile away, drive slow and he would follow me to make sure I was okay. Spent about 40 mins nursing her back home, always under 35 - much to the dismay of everyone else on the road. It did at least cheer me up to be the cause of such Northern hatred
  13. No, I don't mean in petrol, insurance or even road tax. The biggest expense so far, without doubt, has been the fact that everytime I have change in my pocket it falls out and gets stuck in the seating mechanism at the side After moving the seat bolster slightly I have managed to be able to at least see where my hard earned cash is going and noticed that I can trace my cars life since it was 'born' in Japan all those years ago. There's definitely a few Euro's to commemerate the cars life in Germany and I'm currently looking for some Jap and Swiss coins to add to the collection If I ever want to get this money out how do I go about removing the seat? If this isn't a quick job I'm just going to leave it TBH as it's really not worth the hassle. Paul.
  14. Silkolene Pro-S 5w 30 for me, ordered 6 litres from Opie last week for only £54 including delivery
  15. never thought they did Z's, I'll give Paul a ring tomorrow and see. I was under the assumption they just did rolling road and ECU tuning/chipping - nothing about servicing on there website?
  16. ok I guess not many people on here from Leeds then If I don't get serviced by Nissan (not much point as there is no Nissan stamp in my service book at all!) will most garages or service centre's still follow the same checks as Nissan would or would they just use a generic check list? I've seen a company - http://www.servicingstop.co.uk/index.html - that pick your car up and drop it back for you (actually saw them on Dragon's Den ) and they can do it for a full service for around same as dealer will do a P2 service. Has anyone had any experience with these guys? Should I just go to Nissan?
  17. all sunset, as said above it wouldn't look right all or part black unless you have other black bits to pull the colours together
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