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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. the garage in question was cr*p to be honest and I wouldn't have trusted any of them as far as I could throw em. stil can't imagine them doing it though, I'll check on the bolts at lunch time now that the sun has come up!
  2. exactly, i dont like to buy something just because everyone else does. the inevitable band wagon following a heavily marketed product whether its good or not. Also having to pay for desirability is annoying. I have played about on freinds Iphones and liked them. i'm still pondering on it, would like to be the only one with an android phone though im sure a psychologist would have a field day with me and my wacky ideas I didn't get the iPhone when it was first released for that exact reason but I just couldn't ignore that it does everything it says, as good if not better than others, and has the best interface of the lot. Buying a phone to be different is just like goth kids dressing in black to show off there 'individuality'
  3. http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default ... ryId=20810
  4. iPhone has it as well, all you need is a $300 adaptor in your car and a $19.99 anual subscription lol
  5. I must admit I did like it as more of an informative show as opposed to the entertainment nature of Top Gear. Although it did go downhill and start to get a bit stale, especially with the 2 guys in the studio, should have kept it just Tiff, Plato and VBH. Good times....
  6. got a front wheel arch for sale (ready for pick up in leeds) when people are saying that the wheel needs to come off to remove the lining remember that whoever removed it could have cut it rather than slide it off all nice and neat. And it was definitely on after the brakes were sorted, I was right down in the wheel arch checkignt hemand would have noticed.
  7. another fellow CTR convert! Get some pics up of past and present!
  8. the whole arch liner! My only thought was that they we're trying to get at the lights, checked all over and no marks on bonnet or anything though, but if they were trying to get at the lights then why did they take the arch lining with them? I'm going to have to try source an arch lining now as well, hassle! I might just find out when you guys are having your next meet and 'find' one then
  9. just been out to my car at lunch and as I walked back I happened to glance back and noticed that the passenger wheel arch has been removed! It was definitely there last week when I went for my brakes changing as I was checking them after they were done. It can't have 'fallen' off without me noticing when driving so that means that at some point over the past week someone has actually taken the time to steal it - for what reason??
  10. how do you break the ashtray??
  11. All now seems to be working! Tested it in IE7, Safari and Firefox.
  12. I would only say that to your insurance company if you are taking it all out for day to day road driving. Otherwise you might as well drive with no insurance!
  13. Must have been horrifying for the mother! All's well that end's well though - I'm sure she'll have a vise-like grip on that pram from now on!

    slip light

    if your throwing about a bit then the traction control will engage, light up the SLIP light and cut power before your wheels spin, hence the reason your wheels are not spinning - sound to me like everything is working fine?
  15. I had red lip on my last wheels and absolutely loved the look
  16. agree with the above, go Satin and keep the theme flowing. If you don't you always run the danger of the one different shade of black sticking out like a sore thumb and looking like an afterthought.
  17. how do you rate them? is there a lot my vibration under hard braking with the slotted?
  18. did you get standard DBA's or drilled and slotted?
  19. are these brakes the correct one's for an 03 JDM Z? http://www.ebcbrakesdirect.com/car/part ... 2003%2D%29
  20. Although I would love to upgrade the brakes to Brembo right now I just don't have the spare cash - even if they are priced well they will be nowhere near the price of standard front discs and pads! Thanks for the heads up though - appreciated! I've found EBC grooved discs with yellowstuff pads for £223 all in and postage included, if I get any good comments on this setup then I might just go ahead with those.
  21. I think Blackra1n is out now for jailbreaking the 3Gs
  22. Apparently the fact they are 'excessively pitted' means it is definitely a MOT failure. I might as well just get some new discs and pads rather than risk another failure as you mentioned before alex. If I go for something like EBC turbo grooved with redstuff or yellowstuff pads is that a good combo for the Z? I don't want to spend a fortune on them though as I will be upgrading to a Brembo or similar big brake set-up once funds allow and I have stopped spending money on other stuff I want for the Z!
  23. you see this is exactly what I thought. im going back to them tomorrow after having it checked by a mechanic so i have some proof to confront them with. If still need to change I'll drop u a PM alex - thanks for the help (again!)
  24. TomTom is pretrty good, I just got it last week. Around me is good for finding pub/petrol etc nearby - as mentioned above. If you want the most from it you need to jailbreak
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