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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. arrived yesterday and stuck it on this morning, what an improvement!

    My Red Zed

    what tint level do you have on your side windows?
  3. The only problem I have with Chips Away is that you can't really go off anyone else's review of the company as they're only as good as the chap who turns up on the day. I did get them out for a quote for my last car, I had very slightly bumped my splitter so there was a chunk of paint the size of a fifty pence peice missing and a crack going down the paint for about 3 inches, I was quoted £150 In the end got it done by a friend of a friend for £50
  4. ducks have three eyelids.
  5. when i bought my Z there was already a wire running to the dashboard cubby and also another wire running into the cubby with drinks holders in-between the seats - both of them work fine for connecting iphone, Good job really seen as neither the CD player or the radio work!
  6. waited until the last 5 seconds before making my killer blow sorry mate, if you want we can work out some visitation rights then maybe you can take it to KFC every other Saturday?
  7. Thanks for your post mate... Although I understand server architecture and network hardware (Switched hubs etc), I have had no exposure to Active Server, Exchange, for example. I have specialised in voice, rather than data and whilst this pains me to say it, I do not think I would be able to add value to your company. (At least I am being honest eh? ) Thanks again..really appreciate it Neil ah, no worries. I'll keep my eyes and ears open for you and let you know if anything comes up. Good luck with the hunt!
  8. if you have any server training then I may be getting a Field based Technical Engineer post opening at the end of the month?
  9. wahoo! Managed to get one of these badges from good ole fleabay for just £8.49
  10. I got DBA disks and EBC yellow stuff pads from CS not long ago and have been very impressed with them, very speedy service as well

    UK spec gauges

    Slightly (massively) off topic, but I've just been checking out your MMA site and it says Should that say ability and not disability?
  12. love the chargespeed rear with diffuser
  13. i had burning rubber smell and it was a/c/ belt, swapped both belts and all gone - worth a try?
  14. did you draw it or just upload a photo and then add the effect on?
  15. I'd go for a prefacelift Civic Type R rather than a MG - much faster and better in pretty much every way (other than insurance depending on your age?)
  16. first was a 1996 clio RT - absolutely loved it! best was either Civic Type R or the Z, loved the urgency of the CTR but the looks and feel of the Z make me fall in love every day all over again lol
  17. you made the right decision doing the diffuser blue, very nice looking Z you have there
  18. as has been said - the Light carpark is prob best. Close enough for you if your going to uni bar as well
  19. very nice refurbed wheels but.... ..I would have waited until weather was a bit better - nothing worse than seeing lovely wheels been trashed by the crappy English weather and salty winter roads
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