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Everything posted by cookiemonster

  1. http://www.z-store.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&product_ID=8940&ParentCat=27 Or do you mean second hand?
  2. Get the tape measure out mate i have a lip on mine and theres no chance of that getting over. I should think standard you would be ok depending on how high the curb is
  3. Think Mike has sumed it up nicely. The end links are the problem on mine and it makes a similar knocking noise.
  4. 1) back box connection 2) BOSE 3) rear CV joints 4) door cards 5) End links 6) Window Motors
  5. shouldnt think you will have much trouble in getting them replaced if they were sold as a 350z fit.
  6. That looks Always liked the Capri
  7. Performance and cost go hand in hand, simples. If you can afford the extra get the EBC or Ferodo, being able to stop more efficiently is quite high on my priorities list.
  8. Should be going with the Injen to Abbey 3rd March.
  9. Will do mate, I'm hoping it will work well. Thanks for the comments always appreciated
  10. Yea Abbey will be the place, had my coilovers sorted there and was well impressed. Just speak with Mark about it and see what he says, going on others results the decats should improve torque as long as you get the remap done. If you have the cash ask about the new decats they are bringing in for testing.
  11. ive got a k1 (although really really tempted to trade in - damnnnnnnnn vibrations and 2-3k rev noise) BUT what actually is the purpose of the Y Pipe? Connects the 2 cats to the single mid pipe which then connects to the back box. Unless you go for a true dual system which has 2 mid pipes connecting to 2 cans at the end instead of a back box.
  12. Ive got the Nismo, decats are going on next week along with Injen CAI, plenum spacer and im having the uprev done 3rd of March hopefully so can prob give you an answer then.
  13. Really depends on your budget, if you can afford the newer model i would say get it. The cars pretty well tuned from standard so the gains you will make are minimal, more importantly the uprev makes the car much more "driveable" by giving 100% WOT when you want it and provides a smoother power curve on the dyno. Remember all cars will start with different figures from factory, so were one car may make a 20bhp increase another might only make 10, all cars are different. Im pretty sure if you look in Abbeys threads they have a list of maps with different mods on. or look here for an example of 3FIDDYZ results http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=32613&start=30
  14. Accept around 30,000 Modern Warfare 2 points
  15. Taking the gf on the Wales run, could be a few arguements a long the way. If you want to know which one i am ill have the bruises on my arm and the pinch marks on my leg
  16. Think the flaming has been going on all week on here, ive been watching it all, think people should just treat the forum like everyday life if you dont like someone it doesnt mean you have to speak with them. At the end of the day if Sketch doesnt want to apoligise thats his choice , but im pretty sure if he asks any of the offended mods for advice or help in the future it will be ignored, what goes around comes around. Now lets get some pics up, ive seen a few mods that have had me reaching for the credit card
  17. You sound like my younger cousin, having a moody moment when things dont go to his plan and then being apoligetic when it all works out for the best. Not a dig mate as youve seemed fine when we were talking late last year, just tickled me.
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