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Posts posted by cookiemonster

  1. Steroids will have positive short term effects but a lot of long term negative ones no matter how careful you are with them. If your going down that route, which i strongly recommend you dont, get them from a respected dealer, not a foreign website.

  2. When I was training hard I was having protein intake every three hours, except at night. U need to overload to ensure ur body is infact actually absorbing as much as posssibly. There different supplements that aid protein synthesis. Depends what ur into I'm afraid. It worked for me, I'm a fatty just now due to my diet not being right. When using supplements I noticed large increases in how quick my weights were going up compared to not using it. The recovery time was decreased alot aswell.


    Absolutely its each to there own at the end of the day, i just try and get my clients to understand that supplements will not get you to a certain point any quicker than natural proteins, they are merely a tool if you struggle to eat the required amount. As for consuming more protein than required your kidneys will take a pounding if its excessive, ive seen the effect on a number of older clients and its not something they would repeat if given the choice.

  3. Protein doesn't make you big. It's used a muscle repair. Using a protein shake is supplement the fact that u don't eat enough protein to aid muscle recovery as required. If they didn't work, millions of people, like myself, wouldn't be buying them.


    Neil i agree they have there place, and the only one is if you struggle to eat regular meals. You say 40g per serving? you do realise that the majority of that is wasted as your body can only absorb so much? Body builders for example who train 3 times a day will absorb 20g p/h for regular once a day gym goers its likely to be 5-10g p/h. Save yourself the money, if possible, and eat protein rich foods instead. :thumbs:

  4. Wow this thread is going quick, in response to power plates you may be suprised but we found they do have a place, it isnt where you think though :lol:

    The muscle gain was significantly improved in secondary muscle groups for primary movements ie Lunges primarily work the quad, hamstring and Glute the power plate didnt work these as effective as say a weighted lunge but worked the sartorius, rectus femoris and other secondary muscles much more effectively.

    Its definately better than what i thought was going to be said although everyone agreed the whole "work out for 10 minutes on a powerplate is the equivalent of 30 minutes exercise" is rubbish.

  5. Heres a break down of my car:


    2004 53 plate


    Exhaust replaced 45k

    Clutch and fly still in great condition

    Window motor driver side failed

    Bose system no longer plays cd's

    Slight wear in Driver seat Leather


    The exhaust was replaced for a nismo but i expected it would after reading about how many people had the mid pipe and back box connection break off. Expected means i accounted for it so im happy.


    The clutch has covered 50k and feels fine but i know in the

    next 10k its going to need replacing. Again i expect this so i can budget for it for much less than you paid here:



    Window motor is a common problem and there is a link on here on how to take the door apart or purchase one from here:


    Im guessing you paid more than £50?


    The bose speaker was fixed this way:



    This list can go on, with several different traders and member traders doing similar products to the ones i have quickly listed. What im trying to say is its forums that help massively, and hope this helps you with the next car you own. I agree you dont want problems to happen and perhaps the zed isnt the best car for the price you pay, but its very very close for what im after!

  6. have slipped for a few months and just started tuesday getting back into the training and the diet... doing a crazy one at the moment and rather not tell on here since I'm going to get so much slagging from other gym people :lol:;)



    Go on... :p

    ;):lol: no chance, involves food replacement and hard cardio every 2nd day and heavy weights betwen...oh and no drink!




    No drink?? food replacement??? :headhurt: Ima already against that idea :lol:

  7. have slipped for a few months and just started tuesday getting back into the training and the diet... doing a crazy one at the moment and rather not tell on here since I'm going to get so much slagging from other gym people :lol:;)



    Go on... :p

  8. I do a fair bit of training, work as a membership advisor in a gym so need to keep up with all the new trends! Been doing a long term review of power plates recently, end result has been entertaining. :lol:

  9. I saw this a while ago and although i like his thinking, all oil is traded amongst the providers so would never cause a price war. Unfortunately until another means of fuel is found, accessable and reuseable we are stuck with the high prices of oil/petrol.

  10. iam also interested in a plenum spacer and can wait till later in the year, one queston though will it need a remap?




    The spacer can go on without a remap but you wont see any gains from it, it will just mean the air will flow more freely through the plenum. The remap would be recommended though, if not its pretty pointless modifying the engine at all.

  11. Hey guys, seeing as im having to buy a lot of stuff for the new house my budget for some mods is being stretched. Anyone have a plenum spacer with the additional hardware second hand?





  12. Cheers all... and some funny comments... just suprised i've not been accused of being a pikey yet. :shrug:


    How will i be able to tell if it has an anti theft system? Basically if i can get some tube down it or not??



    Theres a little rabbit in there that chews any pipe that comes in, Merc rabbits are especially clever, they use tools... :bunny:

  13. Join a car forum before you purchase the car and you should be in a better position when these problems occur, i know coming on here first prepared me for a few things.


    I was on the first waiting list for the car, so there was no history. My lesson is never buy a car that is generation #1 from new. Buy a used car that is generation #2 or #3. I think a Cayman revised model is the sensible thing to buy next.


    I thought the car was released in 2002? But fair enough if it wasnt.


    Probably not worth pursuing in front of the delearship as they might take legal action, and from the list you give i would say a lot of that stuff is pretty standard. Still sympathise though.

  14. Pretty sure you can limit your experiences to that particular garage not Nissan as a whole. Those problems are pretty obvious if you do your research before buying a car i.e window motors, clutch and exhaust. The oil an windscreen sounds dodgy, as does the wheels. :thumbdown:


    Join a car forum before you purchase the car and you should be in a better position when these problems occur, i know coming on here first prepared me for a few things.

  15. Try putting your information in as a new customer on thw wesbite and see what quote comes out, if its lower then call and say this is what you will pay. Normally they will go with it. :thumbs:

  16. Not paid any cash yet but think I have found the vortech at the cheapest I will ever find it so just gotta wait till some funds clear on my cc (hopefully tomorrow). Just gone for the tuner kit and will buy the extra bits as I can afford them.





    Another supercharger build? Awesome news! The more people i see do it the more it feels right to do the same :lol:

  17. I think i asked this same question when i first joined and after learning a lot more about cars it became clear that these wont work. The stats in the table are incredibly misleading and i think even impossible in some cases. If you feel the suction that a standard intake produces putting a little fan on it is probably more likely to restrict flow.


    Plus as already outlined a piece of plastic going into your intake would be VERY costly.

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