Its just how the market works, original items are created and then smaller companies replicate them at a cheaper price to be competitive.
I understand the whole point about replicas screwing over the originals, but in most cases thats why they start at such a high price and come down in price within a year, the money the product generates in the first few months to a year is what covers the R&D of that product. Generally after that the money that comes in is a contribution to the companies profit and its up to them if they position themselves at the top end of the market or reduce the price to be competitive.
A company will never stop doing the R&D, why would they? it still makes them a profit as people like BM, myself and a lot of other people will always go for the original over a replica, for me its just down to the fact i believe the quality will be better, this isnt aimed at Coops or any other trader as the products they are offering are not the type of products that require a great deal of work to make them high quality, im talking about engine mods, complete body kits, exhausts etc. Not saying making carbon fibre moulds is easy but compared to creating new cams or engine manifolds... you see my point.