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Posts posted by cookiemonster

  1. :lol: Yea that would be fine. Just double check when you purchase it that you get sound through the HDMi cables aswell as picture. For that price im 99% sure it would but i know the cheapper ones require optical cables as well. To be honest it makes little difference between HDMI and optical for sound but if your a perfectionist like me... ;)
  2. Not the easiest thing to setup mate, but hopefully i can give you an idea. First thing is cables, do you want everything to be in HD? If so you need HDMI cables, dont worry about the cost as there is such an insignificant difference IMHO between the cheap and the expensive. If not then the second best would be optical cables and then the most basic is scart cables.


    You have to ensure you will have enough inputs, on the surround system so you dont have to swop cables all the time. So two HD inputs and 1 output would be sufficient if you have Sky HD and a PS3.

  3. Got to say on the kids front it would be a way to help stop child abuse, so much stuff goes on without ever being reported. Having the H+S people enter the home out of neccesity would probably bring to light a few things that may have never been seen behind closed doors.


    For the other reasons they have outlined its just ridiculous, I can see from an NHS point of view that this would help cut costs at their end with not having to deal with so many home accidents and injurys, but for anything else its crazy.

  4. i made the stupid mistake of playing a couple of games before bed last night, :doh:


    finally crawled under the dovet at 2:45 am :blush:



    Loving your dedication. My PS3 and HD tv were in my bedroom.....then the g/f complained she couldnt sleep with the lights and noise when it got to midnight, solution, moved the tv and ps3 into the spare room so i can play till early hours. Shes now calls herself a COD widow :lol:

  5. be on later tonight if you fancy a couple of HQ games Kobi?



    Bah sorry dude, been having a break from cod haha, played far too much of it. just glad im back at work and have plans at night. will be back on soon though. :thumbs: .



    Oh just give in, you know playing COD instead of working makes perfect sense.

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