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Posts posted by cookiemonster

  1. So decat pipes are the way forward in terms of tuning then? And obviously if your removable cat idea happens this would work in conjunction? So placing the cats in the y pipes wouldnt restrict the air flow as much?


    Lots of questions i know :lol: Just trying to learn what i can :blush:

  2. Its on my to do list :lol: Just got to get the mods put on first then ill be down in Jan/Feb, i know you were saying that some "in" mods werent giving much in terms of performance. Would you say its worth bothering with high flow cats for example?

  3. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=24395


    A nurrish system would go down well mate. Have a look at the thread. :thumbs:


    Then get yourself an aftermarket headunit with a good output and your there.


    You could then replace the Bose sub and speakers at a later date. If you wanted to do that straight away a lot of people on here have already done so, the majority going with a new sub in the boot as opposed to filling the space where the Bose sub is.

  4. Its just a crazy difference in prices to what i currently pay. My admiral quote is £900 for 12 months but Adrian Flux, even without saying about the Nitrous quoted me £1500 as did most others!


    Just finding it hard to understand why it makes a difference if the bottle isnt in the car and the system cant be used. Would it really void the insurance if this was the scenario at an accident?



    It will make make a huge difference, just like a super or turbo conversion would. Coupled with the fact that you are carrying some highly flammable gas and the fact that it gives a huge boost of power in one go usually.


    A lot of insurers would even touch you once you mention NOS fitted, for road use or not.


    If you have undisclosed NOS on the car and claim, yes it is very unlikely that the claim would not go through and you would probably be refused cover, which is about as bad as it gets.


    Always good to get some information from the people who know :thumbs:


    Like i said i can see why Nitrous on the road would make a difference but if its not installed for use then it shouldnt matter IMO. The gas isnt highly flammable, and the cylinder wouldnt be installed anyway.


    Ah well, whats this under body kit? :lol:

  5. Yea i can see your point, seen enough Escorts/cavaliers etc with a little red button and NOS stickers everywhere :lol: The suspension and tyres have already been sorted as have new brakes so this was just for a little bit of fun.

    Its not a massive thing like you say as it wont have that much difference on the track, but the modding bug has taken over and ive got one for a very good price. :)

  6. Its just a crazy difference in prices to what i currently pay. My admiral quote is £900 for 12 months but Adrian Flux, even without saying about the Nitrous quoted me £1500 as did most others!


    Just finding it hard to understand why it makes a difference if the bottle isnt in the car and the system cant be used. Would it really void the insurance if this was the scenario at an accident?

  7. It would be for track use once ive got all my mods installed, didnt even think it was legal on the road? Been reading that thread from Zedrush and although what he says makes sense i dont fancy my chances of getting caught out because it was a "grey area" :lol: I know from previous experiences that its best to make your insurance company aware of ANY mods no matter how small.

    Well im insured with Admiral and explained that too them but they still said they wouldnt do it. :thumbdown:

  8. Was wondering if anyone can help, im looking at getting Nitrous on the zed and my current company have said they wont touch it. I know its not legal on the road but i dont want to be swapping it in and out for track days.


    Any help would be appreciated! :thumbs:

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