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Posts posted by cookiemonster

  1. Feel a bit geeky but actually looked up that plane they were saying about and it looks exactly the same! Problem solved. :#1:


    To be fair Arnie is a hero, after watching those real life documentaries on him in the jungle battling a robot with the lads, his ability to destroy a small town with a knife, and "do it yourself" hostage negotiation skills. :lol:

  2. Just an obvious hint but lowered cars with a splitter and snow do not mix :lol: Took most of the snow off the roof and rear onto the floor at the back which then froze. Went to reverse out later on, cleared the exhaust but the front splitter caught it. :angry: Luckily the g/f noticed before i pulled away to quickly!

  3. Love how someone had to jump in and suddenly start blasting the landing on the moon :lol: I love conspiracy theorists, you can see them getting so annoyed sitting in front of their little computers and telling the world about what they've just seen in a Michael Moore film :lol:


    funny some are saying it's the return of Jesus some that's it's a massive hollogram by some yank secret project or it's Aliens telling the Russians not to test anymore missiles!!!


    The Sun compares it to Independance day !! Of course now go and put Jeremy Kyle back on!


    Funny though when a bloke in a private sessna plane flies over Moscow they scramble jets so

    why not this time? :lol:



    How do you know they scramble jets? Get off your computer and get a g/f! :lol: Only messing!

  4. Been looking into both intakes not sure which to go for. Looking for something with lots of noise and looks B) , i know both will give a slight performance increase after a remap. Seen pictures and been reading the info we have on here about them but didnt know if anyone has heard them in person?



  5. Hopefully getting a nismo exhaust, JWT popcharger and plenum spacer fitted some time next week. I have read these will not increase power unless the cars ecu is tuned. How much of difference will they make then? Whats the best option for ecu tuning, abbey? How much should I expect to pay?




    Where abouts are you located mate?

  6. D1 Throttle controller


    you can take that off , UPREV works far better, you even get 100% throttle in each gear.



    Cookie have you got a Y pipe fitted as well?



    Think Bennett found they worked well together after the tune. It doesnt alter the throttle opening, more a case of improving the reaction to get to full throttle. Bad example but instead of it taking 1 second to plant your foot and get the throttle open it only takes 0.5 seconds. Just from reading what people have said anyway, but im not the expert :lol:


    Yes its the Nismo y pipe as well. :thumbs:

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