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Posts posted by cookiemonster

  1. Yea it makes little difference, the idea behind it is that you digest your food qucker, but if your consuming the same amount of food, especially high fat foods, theres no point.


    Get yourself down a gym or play more squash, swop smoking for exercise, its what my girlfriend does, she hits the gym four times a week and remains smoking free for 3 years now and looks great for it. :thumbs:

  2. Sorry mate only just saw this, my first thought was maybe your windows werent auto adjusting up when you shut the door meaning its not shutting properly and therefore causing the alarm to go off?


    Glad its sorted though. :thumbs:

  3. All I can really say is the best of luck with it Amy! If the garage gave the mag a quote for the work and the mag have paid the money then it is cut and dry; the garage must honour their commitment for the money paid. If the garage gave the mag an estimate then it is as it says only an estimate; it could cost double the amount.

    I wonder if you did not have another car to use but had to hire one. I wonder who would be liable for the hire car cost? I am not talking a lambo here (sorry Sarnie :lol: ) but say 1.3 Fiesta. Also the value of the Zed has gone down since the garage has had it. Who is going to pay for the depreciation? All questions which I think should be considered given the enourmous time you have waited. :dry:


    your now talking about the depreciation of a car that is being given to someone free of charge? :lol: and also the cost of a hire car for not getting it on schedule? I'm just checking? Becaue it's sounding more and more like an American forum. Like others have said before legal routes shouldn't be necessary. Let them fight it out and be patient.

  4. Good points Chris :thumbs: Although i think they are friends so peeing on their parade because your bored of the mag might not be applicable :lol:


    Cant urge you enough not to involve solicitors, fair enough if it was a purchased item or service, or even if they decided they were going to pull out from giving it to you, but its a prize from a group of friends.


    Think about your options, dont act on emotion as it could cause more problems for you.

  5. I spoke to a solicitor and they say i do have a strong case- but even an initial 'meet' with them is £270 ... after that no win no fee if decide to go ahead.... i told my Dad who knows about whole situation and he said dont do it. he said itl ruin my car shows for me doing that- ie really falling out with them. My dad said keep waiting because ill get it eventually and he said there no rush for the car.....


    i have listened to my dad ...


    but as it goes, they replied to my email lastnight (the magazine) and they said they will dedicate some time to this tomorrow (today) and it will be sorted......


    ill see what that means and if they call me and tell me what they are doing.

    if not ill tell them im thinking of taking things further...... but really dont wana go down that route ! :bang:


    I know im going against what most people are saying on here but your dad is 110% right, why bring solicitors into the equation when your getting a free car?? You also have an awesome car at the moment as well, which unless your in deperate need to sell, you can still use?

    I can understand that having to wait this long for a price, especially the Zed :lol: , can be a bit much but if someone had said at the start of the competition "the winner will recieve the car in a year" would you still have entered? :wacko:

    Secondly you get on well with the magazine right? so there not going to screw you out of the car, plus going to a solicitors will mean no more car shows which you seem to enjoy.


    Like i said before just chill and make weekly phone calls to the magazine, i guarantee the car will be worth the wait. :thumbs:


    I agree, but there has to be some sort of timescale............how long do you keep waiting........another year.......another year.......the car will have already depreciated about £2k since she 'won' the car............you can't be nice forever........


    So a free car that was worth 10k at the start of the year is now worth £8.5k but still free is a problem?? I understand your point, and im not talking about waiting 2 or 3 years :lol: Its been 8 months from what i have been reading, would 4 more months really be that much longer to wait if you already had a car and were in no financial crisis?


    Like you say maybe i am being too nice but the thought of someone giving me my car for NOTHING, apart from a long wait, would be amazing! Its definately not something i would even think about suing somebody over?? especially friends.

  6. I spoke to a solicitor and they say i do have a strong case- but even an initial 'meet' with them is £270 ... after that no win no fee if decide to go ahead.... i told my Dad who knows about whole situation and he said dont do it. he said itl ruin my car shows for me doing that- ie really falling out with them. My dad said keep waiting because ill get it eventually and he said there no rush for the car.....


    i have listened to my dad ...


    but as it goes, they replied to my email lastnight (the magazine) and they said they will dedicate some time to this tomorrow (today) and it will be sorted......


    ill see what that means and if they call me and tell me what they are doing.

    if not ill tell them im thinking of taking things further...... but really dont wana go down that route ! :bang:


    I know im going against what most people are saying on here but your dad is 110% right, why bring solicitors into the equation when your getting a free car?? You also have an awesome car at the moment as well, which unless your in deperate need to sell, you can still use?

    I can understand that having to wait this long for a price, especially the Zed :lol: , can be a bit much but if someone had said at the start of the competition "the winner will recieve the car in a year" would you still have entered? :wacko:

    Secondly you get on well with the magazine right? so there not going to screw you out of the car, plus going to a solicitors will mean no more car shows which you seem to enjoy.


    Like i said before just chill and make weekly phone calls to the magazine, i guarantee the car will be worth the wait. :thumbs:

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