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Everything posted by cookiemonster

  1. Still waiting for you to invite me
  2. Welcome to the forum mate, lots of members with the above mods so im sure if you need any advice we can help. As for the supercharger Nurrish a member on here has just completed his so should give you some good reading.
  3. But have you seen the rear left wheel? Yea didnt notice that to start with, even with that would the repairs cost more than the price of the car if Nissan OEM parts for the GTR werent so crazy
  4. Probably not worth it with the charges Nissan are putting on things like replacing the bonnet, wasnt it something like 12k Crazy to think something with, what seems, minor damage is written off.
  5. Might find more torque on a CAI, think the guys at Abbey were saying that the longer intake pipe caused this to happen, but again your talkling a small difference. CAI = £200+ Standard 06+ inbox = £30-£50 Your choice
  6. Think what Mike was saying Tricky is that 100lbs is a fair difference between the engines, not that the performance wouldnt be worthwhile. Tanith how come your not going for a twin turbo setup? Obviously the V8 will sound But is it really worth it when a twin turbo will give you the same, if not better, performance for minimal effort Seems a lot of hassle for limited gains over FI. IMHO obviously. If its the challenge factor and individualism it wil bring then fair play too you, its going to be one hell of a mean sounding zed Best of luck
  7. I didnt know you had Si's zed mate?! Yea was a quick sale to say the least Went for a test drive with him and couldnt actually drive it as just changed my insurance to a named driver on my old car. Took 2 minutes to get to the bypass slip road and it was sold And then Tarmac stole the wheels
  8. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=32273&start=30 This is hillarious read it. That had me laughing, that Yoda picture is great
  9. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=25940 I just asked the obvious question and got it sorted within a week Got to say the car Si replaced the zed with is shocking
  10. Keep plugging at it mate, will come good eventually Just think of the Wales run with 400 bhp Should give you the motivation you need
  11. Mark you get all the good toys Think they will get the gains just from the altered shape?
  12. Thought it would be hard to measure the oil when the cars warm? Surely the oil would be spread around the engine? I always check from cold and make sure that its at half way, atleast when its warm and expands it should be at 3/4 max. Just from what ive been told on previous cars not fact.
  13. Yea Abbey are the nearest mate. Also a great service.
  14. You could get a wrap done with these? http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12347
  15. You have more than one?!?! Im full of it
  16. Definately want to be the first one to wax my rims, ill call you tomorrow
  17. Happy birthday mate, have a good one!
  18. 1. Beavis: Deluxe Room 22nd (Wood) 2. Ebized: Deluxe Room 21/22/23rd (Chandler) 3. Rich5259: Deluxe Room 21/22nd (Brown) 4. DawnC: Deluxe Room 21/22/23rd ( Cowe ) 5. Shire: Deluxe Room 21/22/23rd (Chapman) 6. Nixy: Double Room 22nd (Pattison) 7. Markie: Double Room 22nd (Colyer) 8. Greekman: Deluxe Double!! Room 21/22nd (Ziaras) 9. Chris`I: Deluxe Room 21/22/23rd (Ingram) 10. Anubis: Double Room 22nd (Aitken) 11. Lincolnbaggie: Deluxe room 21/22/23rd (Neil Morris) 12. fakeindian: Deluxe room 22nd (Neil Shannon) 13. AK350Z: Deluxe Room 22/23rd (Kirkby) 14. H5: Double Room 22nd (Pears) 15. DontPanic (Dave): Standard Room 21/22nd (Hart) 16. Vik54: Double 21/22/23rd (Long) 17. Darren-b Deluxe Room 21st/22nd/23rd (Bell) 18. Rtbiscuit + mrs biscuit: Deluxe Room 22nd (Thompson) 19. JT1703 : Deluxe Room 21st/22nd/23rd (Turner) 20. martinmac: Deluxe Room 21st/22nd (MacDonald) 21. eddz350: Deluxe Room 22nd (Tittensor) 22.SwanageDave 21st 22nd and maybe 23rd Deluxe (Dave Ogden) 23. Andyvvc + Lydia: Deluxe Room 21st and 22nd (Barraclough) 24. Taddy: Double Room 22nd (Froggatt) 25. Chesterfield: Deluxe Room 21st/22nd (Ball) 26. cookiemonster86 + Sarah; 22nd/23rd/24th Standard (Cooke) 1. husky: Kennel 22nd This may actually be my first meet with you guys, set a high standard!
  19. thankyou prefer a drink in the pub at the wales run instead Are you sure Rich?
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