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Everything posted by StokieShinobi

  1. Hi all Ive just sold my double din for a single din, to raise cash. However the single din adapter fascia is a terrible fit, the headunit sits way too far back. Can anyone recommend me a single din fascia that actually fits properly I have this one: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-350Z-2003- ... 3ef60ba276 Thanks
  2. I know what you mean mate Satisfying when its all in good n proper. It took two of me weekends up but its now dead straight, not rattling, and sounding awesome Cheers for the help If I'm under the car again soon I'll get pics - it will be useful for future Scorpion buyers
  3. Theres two on the right of mine, one on the left You were right, the back right hanger was vibrating. I put a rubber door stop over it from B&Q and its perfect now
  4. this might help viewtopic.php?f=26&t=36349 My Scorpion is slightly off centre but not enough that it bothers me and I am real picky about things I might just do that mate. The bumper sits a little close to the exhaust tips on mine, I was worried the heat may damage the bumper - this little mod will be perfect. Thanks Andy
  5. Thanks for your pic mate. Mine is like that but other way around I guess they don't make every exhaust system exactly the same!
  6. I read and read before purchasing it and there was common consensus that it was one of the better fitting ones I could do with some sort of 1cm spacer to sit inbetwwen the flanges on the y-pipe and scorpion centre pipe
  7. Hi all I have the y-pipe back Scorpion system just fitted. Sounds perfect for me - not too loud inside, but sounds lovely outside. Anyway..... my left pipe on the backbox is more 'in' than the right pipe. The right hand pipe sits perfect. However when I try to rotate the backbox on the hangers to make the left pipe sit where it should it comes away from the join into the centre pipe. Has anyone found this? How did you get a round it?
  8. Dont suppose you have any pics of this matey? Do you mean the hanger on centre pipe or backbox? Additionally... Do all of your scorpion exhausts sit right? My left pipe is in more than the right one - no matter what I do I cannot get it perfect.
  9. I now know to blow torch them first lol, so the ones futher up should be easier with the know how Am I right in thinking the bolts are fixed to the pipe?
  10. Will it be easier to just get Y-pipe? Is the japspeed one a good fit with the scorpion system, Ive read a lot of people use that setup
  11. Pardon ignorance, do what with breaker bar? Once the nut comes off the thread on the bolt will be a bit buggered. Any suggestions? Am I gonna have to drill that out too?
  12. One came off one rounded aaaagh. Spent all afternoon drilling it and its still firmly stuck Now contemplating a japspeed y-pipe to avoid the problem
  13. I got the scorpion backbox and centre. No nuts and bolts with it I was hoping to not have to drill them out
  14. Got it off, just as you said mate - WD40 Now the nuts will not come off the join between centre pipe and y-pipe. Any tips here? Soaked it with WD40, but they will not budge feel like they will snap
  15. Hi all Ive been trying to get the rubber hangers off the backbox (the ones near the back bumper). They are nearly impossible to shift. Has anyone any tips on how to get the backbox off? Thanks
  16. Are there any alloys like these? Im not paying the 1000's nismo want. Are there any decent replicas at a normal price?
  17. Hi all These look very much like the nismo wheels but without the price tag - what do you all think of them? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/18-KEI-D1-ALLOY-W ... 1e5c8a9c00 Is it worth going for 19's? Are they good wheels? Good fit? Thanks Andy
  18. Is the fit with scorpion system and japspeed y pipe all A ok? All fits together as it should on the car?
  19. Hi all My backbox is due for change, the flange has snapped off and is now attached to the centre pipe and is now not connected to the backbox Seems a silly design as there is nothing wrong with the backbox Anyway, good excuse to get cat back Scorpion system. Also want the japspeed Y pipe. Does anybody know where I can buy both from at the best price? Thanks Andy
  20. Sorry to hi jack thread Mine has done exactly the same. The flange has snapped off the back box end - blowing like a turd now. I may aswell get the scorpion cat back kit. Can everyone vouch for this - and does anyone have a link to the best place to buy? Thanks Andy
  21. ZedJoe has stated he wants it. Have left paypal details with him. I will let it go to he who confirms payment first Thanks
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