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Everything posted by Shaun1982

  1. Yup your right sunset,ive ended having to search for a sub by mounting depth then checking the volume it needs Yoko it points upwards at the nav unit etc.Puts me off a bit but hey what can you do about it.lol.
  2. Right having a chat yesterday with the audio shop & a couple of phone calls later i think im going to go with a 12" Rockford Fosgate shallow mount sub,gives 400rms i think,powered by the RF p400.4 i think it was as i cant get enough power from a 3 channel to power the sub. They also pointed out a set of RF comps for the front so it keeps everything the same,they were £250 though so no thanks.lol.Ill get some around the £150 i think.Ideally need to shift on my current sub & amp as ive just taxed the zed so thats me pretty skint now Oh im changing my h.u aswell,getting rid of my IVA-D310rb today & ive been looking at the Alpine x305 at the minute
  3. photo i think fiddy,ive got it on my phone still.lol.hold up ill try post it up
  4. I think it might be earlier on in my install options post maybe dude.If not then pm me & i can send you it via email etc if you want
  5. Thats what i used to have mine built dude
  6. Have a look in my install options thread matey,youl see the box ive had built to go in the standard space,but i highly doubt your X-type being the top flight sub of theirs will fit the box,its 7'' deep maximum.Hope that helps for now
  7. Theres nothing to show yet dude.lol. If i was to mention a members name then it would be obvious what the 'special project' is
  8. Cheers matey ill bear that in mind,although i may be selling it yet to a mate as he was after a new headunit.To be honest as the zeds not a show car last some of my previous cars im not to fussed about having a screen etc.As long as i can still run my ipod through it like i do now ill be a happy bunny,totally sick of cds now
  9. Thats what i thought folks,actually im quited suprised theres not a named section on the forum.Seemed to work quite well on the FTOOC. So do i Ross so do i.lol
  10. Any updates yet Scott? Ive got the spoiler now by the way mate
  11. Ive just got a standard rear lip spoiler & im giving it to ScottSoulby to use for a mould mate,he could bethe bloke to talk to if you want a carbon one
  12. Shaun1982

    Big up

    Not too sure this is the right place so move it if not mods Anyway to the point,just wanted to say a big thanks to Ross(srobrien) ?& carbon forza for the top quality parts & service i got from them Cheers fellas
  13. Cheers matey,like you im going to use all stock locations,got the box built to go in that space & thats as far as ive got really.The stuff i have at the moment wont go in the zed,or at least without alot of mucking around & alot of space used.lol.I Have a few month old Kicker L7 12 which was powered by an Audiobahn A2200HCT chrome amp with the flames raised out if it,thats the size of a pillow you sleep on,also a bit overkill as ill not be running a sub anywhere near as powerfull as the L7. Ive had a few suggestions for subs posted up on here & also had my eye on ther Focal polyglass 27v2, Ill have a better idea saturday as im going to my audio shop with the box & to talk more options for what im going to use,also see what deals hel do me against my current sub & amp. Thanks for all the help
  14. Sweet cheers matey is that the furthest the unit will sit in the hole then? Where did you get the alpine tray from too? I bought an autoleads fascia kit & iso adapter just after i got the zed but its got a tray in the bottom of it i think.Will i be able to use that?Just cant remember without looking if theres any other bits in there.lol
  15. Doh mine better not break,ive only had it a few weeks now
  16. Hmm just as i thought then question is do i go to the hassle of fitting the hideaway receiver unit under the seat & getting the loom up to the stereo or do i wait & see if i can sell the media unit & go for a normal H.U? Its been years since ive had a normal headunit.lol.Im on my 3rd alpine media unit now
  17. I searched Nurrish and got a return of 100 odd pages.lol.Looked through the first 4 but didnt find any stereo picture.Is there a way of only searching post by someone in a certain area of the forum?
  18. Yeah ban christmas this year so i can buy stuff for the zed
  19. Will do matey.might not be for a while yet.lol.Tax & christmas lurking around the corner too
  20. All in america mind but about £55-£60 roughly then about the same postage ontop.lol
  21. Just had a look on ebay actually,those rocky's are quite cheap arent they
  22. Thanks for all the info Lamby, i take it theyre wayyyyyy up north by you then?lol. I could always try ebay to couldnt i
  23. Im starting to think maybe a 4 channel would be the better idea. Im thinking most of these subs are about 250-300 rms,well alot of 3 channels do say 2x90 & 1x270 for example.Maybe bridging 2 channels to run the sub would be better
  24. Thanks Lamby,never heard any DLS stuff,have you used it or anything as thats not bad priced. Like the sound of the rocky too but cant find anywhere that sells it in the uk.lol.
  25. Ill only be putting the one in,at least for now as i was planning on using the glovebox to house the amp & hopefully the cap too.Amp wise im not entirely sure again as the whole system will be new stuff bar the headunit unless i decide to sell that.I have been looking at 3 channel amps like the audison srx3 or there was an alpine in my audio shop that he said would do the trick. All depends on what sub i end up with,also what components upfront i go for so i know what power amp ill need.My current amp(Audiobahn A2200HCT capable of 1600rms) is a little overkill now & i only want to run one amp really
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