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Everything posted by Shaun1982

  1. Thats more like a fail of Biblical proportions let alone epic
  2. Sold now guys,thats was quicker than i expected
  3. As the title say folks These would be ideal for anyone wanting a cheap pair for a project. The lenses are pretty skanky to be honest & ive chopped the wiring block off them to put on my new lights but the ballasts are still there & i do have some of the bulbs at hand. Oh infact i do the 8pin wiring block off my uk lights which can easily but put back on to get them working,leaving to the auto leveller wires unused Ermmm ill say £25 each incase anyone just needs the one. Ill look at offers too i guess
  4. Just managed to get the other light fitted & take the previous light out to replace the hid bulbs with the new ones i got from Hid-direct off ebay. Modded the new light from 8 to 6 pin(again like the other light i replaced) then swapped the bulbs over & fitted the new hids,took them out plugged them in annnnddddddd........ Yup,nothing on the new light. So in my dad & i go to check the wiring,all seems ok so we decide to swap the ballasts over.Again nothing happens after plugging them in. Turns out that the new bulbs were shafted One does nothing and the other works but kind of 'flickers' giving off a redish tinge to the light a few seconds after turning them on. Luckily the old hid bulbs were ok so theyve gone back in but wow,i must say how much of a difference its made fitting 'proper' headlights. I can see where im going now Now i just wait & see what the seller says as i bought them a few weeks back & left him feedback seeing as i had no idea when id get another light. Rant over
  5. Aston for me please,id love one of those,mmmmmmm pearl white Vantage
  6. This thread is just awesome.pure 100% awesomeness I agree with the others on the stockings and that though Oh and the undercrackers over the top too,mind you they can always be pulled top the side
  7. Ahhh yeah i forgot about that.lol. They didnt reign long on my car though & they didnt stick well so rather than loose them i took them off & havent had chance to put them on again.Heres the couple i grabbed at the time though
  8. Ahhh yeah i forgot about that.lol. They didnt reign long on my car though & they didnt stick well so rather than loose them i took them off & havent had chance to put them on again.Heres the couple i grabbed at the time though
  9. Exactly mate,it lasted the journey home from London when i picked it up before i replaced it with a big ugly uk plate
  10. If its a little plate Ross then it should look fine off centre
  11. Ohhhh well i like it & thats all that matters Nah i know you cant please everyone so its cool,as more mods go along it'l fit in more
  12. I cant get em out Ross.lol
  13. Its a new(well 2nd hand) headlight with the standard hid bulb in it compared to the passenger headlight that for some strange reason is running an aftermarket kit when the factory stuff is there. I do have new bulbs ill fit when my other light turns up.Ill actually be able to see where im going when the other light comes
  14. Are you happy with them though?if so who gives a rats ass
  15. Ive got Contis on the front of mine & just had some Dunlop Sp's fitted too the rear,seem to handle everything fine
  16. Its a JDM & will have been like that since it came, got rid of mine on my old fto with a kit that used the inner brake lights as fogs,is there one for the zed?mind you ill have a big hole in my bumper then. Couple of the b pillars too now
  17. Just thought id pop up a few pics of my latest mods, excuse the tape on the b pillars,its holding the cf covers off Scott tight for the time being. Oh and yes the cars dirty,but i went to sheffield & back thursday and it threw it down big time so ive not washed it yet. Heres the piccies then,i cant be happier with these mods although i feel one two similar mods might be marmite Oh yeah i also fitted a new light,can you tell the difference
  18. Shaun1982


    Wellcome along mate,be sure to slap up some pictures when youve got yourself a zed
  19. Christ on a bike some of those clips are just bloody stupid
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