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Everything posted by Shaun1982

  1. I'm not that desperate for the bi xenons lol. Only seen two on eBay. £115 plus p&p for one with broken pegs etc. other was apparently a self levelling hid unit but had had the plug chopped off, that was £140 or something
  2. Anyone on here? Passed it going through healing by the school. Didn't catch the full reg though
  3. Hi guys. What's the options with headlights on here nowadays? Is anyone still modding them etc? Failing that how much are a set fetching now? Would like to have Hids again like my last zed, these are flaking inside under the indicator & pretty much dull lensed. It's like having candles in the dark! Honestly scary lol
  4. Don't flame me for resurrecting this but yeah I did have Joseph Junior Adenuga's old white zed. Bbk all day lol
  5. Yeah what Dave said. Thanks guys
  6. Why? That's the best way I could think of to describe it. It's not as white as a gloss white car. Just look through my old posts & see
  7. I had a pearler too. Bloody loved it, it's not too in your face, I'd say it makes it look more creamy being pearl when next to a gloss white car. Like lexx said its awesome for cleaning, no worry of water marks etc but by god does it look cool in the sun when super shiny!
  8. Sounds & looks like a much better plan Dave
  9. Nail on the head there biscuit. What gets me as well is that I work on ex rental audi's all day long. These go off to forecourts & go up for a fair old whack, you'd be surprised how much gets repaired on some of them but as long as the buyer has a clean hpi they assume its never had work
  10. Best wishes mate. This can't be easy to deal with.
  11. Looks awesome! Be good to see it fitted
  12. I found that D's are usually less hammered than a C. Not always the case though, my gf's current c30 R design was pretty bad, that's a cat d. Surely the cost of repairing my car was less than 75% value of a nigh on new car lol
  13. Welcome. I loooovvveee a good s15! The missus on the other hand, clearly has no taste in cars lol
  14. That was/is on gumtree now for £6000
  15. Yeah I pretty much agree with that. I've had a few,2 golfs,both super low mileage which were hardly damaged. Especially the 2nd,a bike went in the back of it. Slight crease in the back of the boot floor & a dented bumper. 5 mins later sorted lol, I have had a pile of @*!# in the form of a partially repaired 3series e46 coupe. Ended up spending more than a straight one I found. Much better to do the work yourself though as you say, you control the standard then. I think realistically I'm hardly going to get in middle ground between the damaged ones & straight ones available at the minute, shame really as its a great car, just lacks any kind of entertainment lol
  16. I've got a cat c hyundai coupe. NEVER had any accident damage but was unlucky enough to be next to a car that caught fire when it was nigh on new. It's had the 1/4 & tailgate repaired & obviously the plastic bits like bumper & fuel flap were replaced. Got 18,000 miles on it on an 08 plate but I know ill struggle. Even priced £1750 cheaper than a 'straight' equivalent with twice the mileage I had no joy
  17. Looking forward to more pictures then
  18. Looks lovely. Reflects like a mirror
  19. Can I be the first to congratulate you........ ;) Doesn't that tick all Shaun's boxes in one go? Errrrr yes
  20. Certainly one very tidy looking car. Hopefully it will be mine. * said in an evil type voice followed by much cackling* haha
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