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Everything posted by Shaun1982

  1. Thanks mate. Considered strapping my iPhone to the front with the torch on
  2. You got to agree they are worse than bad lol
  3. Just thought I'd share with you all just how dire the lights on my zed really are. The above would be driving on dipped beam with no road lighting. Next we have dipped beam sat in my drive this time it's sides, notice the huuuuuuugggee difference :/ Aaaannnddd finally the view of my so called beam pattern from outside :o
  4. I painted my handles black on my old zed. Probably see it in my sig
  5. So to confirm I could buy enough of something like these to do sides,plate & interior bulbs yeah? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/300848965605?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  6. Looks good, liking the reflection on the bottom photo
  7. I find it annoying that each time you have to put the car details in again after you look something & want to go back to the table of bulbs for your car
  8. I'll just stick silver bulbs in there I think. Can't be arsed with the incorrect flashing issue with the LED indicators Cheers chaps
  9. If like some covers too, just got more important things to sort on the car first. Waaaahhh
  10. Lol. Ill use it again tomorrow for football don't worry Top Gear style ? Excellent lol.
  11. Are number plate bulbs festoons like the interior light or the same as sidelights bulbs? Some of the eBay ones say festoon but when I searched the ABD site it brings up W5W bulbs
  12. Lol. Ill use it again tomorrow for football don't worry
  13. I'd guess this is per bulb http://www.autobulbsdirect.co.uk/501-Long-19-LED-Extreme-Power-2W.html
  14. Cheers Dave. I did ask on another thread if the auto bulbs site prices were per bulb or pairs as I couldn't find it stating which lol
  15. Ha I got mine Saturday before last & I'm still on my first £30 only done about 90 miles though lol
  16. My fiancée & her mate name all the bloody cars lol. My last zed was called Zara, her C30 is Carly, friends 1 series is Britney. This zed hasn't got a name yet though. I just say the zed lol
  17. I'm sure there's probably the answer I require within search response but searching on tapatalk seems absolutely pointless! Everything but what I'm looking for. My interior light is currently turned off as it has a mind of its own when its on doors, Dave put blue bulbs in, only one of which works. Even manually pushing the light unit on etc it only works when it chooses to so my first option is to try new bulbs. Do I need canbus LED's or will normal LED's be fine? Wouldn't mind changing sidelights & number plate lights to LED's while I'm at it too. Will they need canbus? eBay gives both when searching for 350z LEDs etc
  18. Welcome to the club. I would of thought 10g's should give you a very wide selection of zeds to look at. Have you looked in the for sale section here?
  19. Sorry about the damage matey. Not sure if it applies to BMW blacks too but at work on our audi's & ford's black is edge to edge. No need to blend into panels either side.
  20. I've got the one to take out my coupe Dave, sub & amp too. Will the speakers still work when the Bose is removed?
  21. Yeah I've seen a guide to sorting it earlier I think lol. I definitely don't get anything from the sub, I even took it out earlier to check it was plugged in. My Bose had the iPod hack from the previous owner & depending on how much you pull the cable the speakers go on & off. Same with round corners sometimes
  22. Cheers dude. Just thought even with bass up full on five its,well,non existent lol. Have noticed it randomly gets louder & quieter too. That will be speed sensitive bit
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