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Everything posted by Shaun1982

  1. I had the dedication yesterday out in the cold cleaning it lol
  2. Didn't get anything done at all today in the end lol. Will definitely give it a go though mate
  3. Are yours 6 or 8 pin dude?
  4. That for a bi-xenon? I'm looking for new xenons & Nissan have a pair priced at £760 something :o
  5. Cheers SMD. Ill give that a @*!# Shot not the above word lol
  6. May as well put a couple of mine here then
  7. Is this not what redlinestyling has got in his recent list? No pics on it but I thought it might be the same
  8. Taking the stereo back out again shortly BUT, but I've had nearly a full 20 minutes of the sub working today, no idea why, just came on & stayed on til I got home. No idea if it will work next time I'm in it though haha
  9. Thanks chaps. Karl it's the meguiars endurance gel I think. Had it ages, smells lovely too
  10. Nope. All good so far at least mate
  11. I'm bloody freezing now but thanks mate Half way around drying it off the sun came out, never realised how metallicy the GM's actually are. Should look lovely with a coating of dodo juice & some of that rare stuff we call sunshine lol
  12. Just thought I'd stick these up while I go inside to thaw out a little. Might go back & get some polish on it yet. So here is the result of a bit of snow foam & tyre dressing lol
  13. I've got a different shade of Gunmetal on my roof & front bumper centre, matches the colour of my Rota's. still blends well with the tinted windows too
  14. In all honesty I've never been so worried changing some bulbs lol. All is fine though. I'm on my phone but give me a minute & ill try sort you it out Here you go dude http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321037119750?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
  15. Oh my god, just tried that and it totally works!! Now what do I hit to get the bass working again?? Mine works now too I think but I still don't have the sub, heard/felt it for about 3 seconds the other day & that's it. Since my mate did this fix my cd now skips every bloody second your driving, soon as you stop it works. Helpful that eh :/ Any ideas as to what he's done & what will fix it?
  16. Bit of an update. Fitted my hids from my coupe earlier. Made an improvement but still not as they should be. Also discovered that the drivers headlight had a dodgy sidelight connection & more importantly that the bracket that's used to bolt the wing up tight has been broken off
  17. My mate used the guide for the left speaker cut out the other night, all speakers seem to be working bar the sub. I've had a total of about 3 seconds out of it during my ownership lol. Any ideas where to check next to get it going? Stereo needs to come back out again anyway, now it won't stop jumping until you stop driving, any ant you drive over, cd jumps. Didn't do that before FFS!
  18. I do have another fob, not sure if its dead though as Dave said he'd never used it. Ill give it a shot though thanks Mike
  19. Sorry guys I'm on my phone so no linky, well not one that would work properly but there's a set of Rays with tyres, need replacing really. Annnnywwwhhooo £275 Sure they won't be around long, so if you're after some then get in there
  20. Cheers dude. Ill give that a shot next weekend then
  21. Evening peeps Sometimes when I unlock my car with the alarm fob the locks instantly spring back shut again, this mostly doesn't happen often but sometimes will do it 3,4 times in a row. Is it the motor on its way out? Or is it something simple? Any ideas greatly appreciated
  22. Shaun1982

    Wheel nuts

    I think I'm starting to want some of those Neo chrome nuts but everything's dark on my car so maybe it would look daft. If you're having purple shoes then how about shiny nuts? Have you got other shiny bits?
  23. Shaun1982

    Wheel nuts

    Cool enough for me. But the main question is, are they the right purple? Lol
  24. My mates got a tt for sale. It's a Y plate 225 1.8t. Done 110,000 ish miles, also had a lot of bloody money in replacement parts too! And it's a cat c. In fact ill find you a picture,see if your interested as I think he still wants too much money for it. Edit, feast your eyes on this lol
  25. Sorry to hijack but since having my zed I've heard the sub about 3 seconds, did the left speaker cut out last night, all seemed fine on a quick check at half eleven last night! Only had it on low though so not sure if the sub works now. If not any ideas?
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