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Everything posted by Shaun1982

  1. Yeah I read on my350 that they made an led one for silly money. Someone bought the ring from Nissan for $15 instead but never finished the thread for if it worked. The HRs use a transponder Alex said & someone on my350 mentioned a NATS aerial
  2. Retro fitting isn't do able so I've been searching the net for illuminated rings or even just a clear plastic ring but struggling to find either apart from one on eBay for a focus
  3. Has any tried ordering this months yet? I got voucher code invalid
  4. Sat in Dolphin car wash opposite tesco . Not sure if its anyone's on here
  5. Years back not long after I first started driving I went through a hole( went half way across the road & car coming the other way), massive bang, stereo went off for a couple minutes but all seemed fine when I got home which was only a couple of minutes after. Went back out later though to a buckled wheel & tyre pulled off the rim. Went to take photos but council had filled them but I thought I'd do a claim anyway. A few weeks later arrived a cheque for a new wheel along with a letter saying they hold no responsibility for the damages but here's a cheque. Still cost me a new tyre though
  6. I remember when Leon from Ep fitted one to his car when I had my first zed but couldn't remember if it actually did anything or was a gimmick lol
  7. I'm not the only one who didn't know then lol
  8. I mean the front bumper dude lol. Being that it already touches the floor at times Re reading it its not very clear. Lol. I agree with the rear wanting to be a bit lower
  9. I HATE Honda with a passion but I have to admit that NSX in Avengers is stunning
  10. I agree on the rear, hopefully this new bumper isn't any lower than the standard, for your sake at least
  11. Makes me want to paint my wheels & deck it. That's the downfall of this thread lol
  12. I always have a job getting it in
  13. SMD its about the only thing I miss from my coupe, having a little lean forward to see it rather than stab around with the key is a good thing in my eyes lol
  14. Had no idea that they came on later models lol. Bet Nissan would want a bloody fortune for it too
  15. Looking cool. Where are the spats from dude? Have you offered them up yet?
  16. Anyone does this before? Considering doing this if its not going to be a massive ball ache. Thinking its a case of buy some small LEDs, find a clear plastic ring etc, fit LEDs to that, wire up correctly & pick up the interior light power to run it?
  17. Shaun1982

    Z Badges

    Do you want the one I might have?
  18. Gotta be a bargain that! I'm the same as you by the sounds of it, my temper seems to be getting shorter & shorter as I get older
  19. I'd like one of these at some point, undecided if to go carbon like my last zed or normal. Ill wait & see what prices come out on both
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