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Everything posted by mc5

  1. Fancy a lovely 2002 Honda Integra Type R + cash your way.
  2. Only suggested this one because it is the same colour as the S2000-4u. Don't be put off by how bland the orange looks when its overcast. It looks sepctacular in bright sunlight. Perhaps I'm biased, but as long as it passes inspection I'm picking up my new (well, its a 55) Sunset Orange GT on Saturday Can't wait Im sure it is, need to see it in the metal really, just dont want stand out too much from the crowd. Youll have to put some pics up when you get it if we actually get any sun. Almost tempted to go to this s2000 place just to experience how bad they really are & see if they give me any crap.
  3. It might be worth a look at theyre a well respected Porsche dealer, but its not my first choice of colour would prefer gunmetal or blue. Also need to sell my Integra which im in two minds about.
  4. Looking to spend up to £11500 in Surrey/Hampshire area.
  5. Doesnt sound too promising then. I know some of the s2000 owners havent great things to say about them but they seem to be the only ones nearby with what im looking. Really would like to test drive one before I deceide. The one at the dealership is this one:- http://search.autotrader.co.uk/es-uk/ww ... gLetter=04
  6. Looking to change my Integra dc5 for a uk spec zed. I have never driven one so would like to try one at a garage. Ive spotted this one in my price range. What do you guys think & any experience of the garage. http://www.s2000-4u.co.uk/vehicle-detai ... &ID=921515 Also a Nissan dealer has an 04 non GT, 30k miles for £12495 but this seems a bit too much what sort of price do think i should be offering considering its a non gt as I would prefer leather but it will be nice to have the warranty. What are these cars like to drive I would like a more comfortable ride than my dc5 but i dont want a car thats going to roll in corners. cheers
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