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Lady C

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Posts posted by Lady C

  1. Hi folks


    I'd just like to add to this thread, yes MacDaddy & I have started our own 350Z forum. We haven't done this to tread on anyone’s toes nor annoy anyone. We have done it to start growing the OC brand that includes R32oc.com and many more to follow.


    It is myself that has been inviting people through Facebook but I have intentionally stayed away from inviting members from this forums Facebook group. It would appear that there is some crossover between 350Z-UK group and numerous other FB groups.


    The internet is a big place, certainly big enough for both forums to co-exist without any hard feelings or animosity. Surely any meets and events where either forum attend means more 350Z's in one place, that can only be a good thing!!


    Lady C

  2. I second everything above...

    Only thing I have to add is that I'm keeping my keys well and truly hidden from him... It's MY car dammit...!!


    Joking aside though, I was really sad to see my MK4 R32 go and couldn't bare to watch as the new owner drove it away. I hoped that the 350 would bring me some joy but the M6 was at a standstill for most of the drive home.

    The other half made her all clean and shiny this morning and we went out for a drive! I'm still smiling!! This has got to be one of the few cars that we both want to drive all the time! Steve even offered to let me have a drink at the pub so I didn't have to drive home...! I know his game though!

    I did let him take over as I couldn't face an evening of sulking and even as a passenger I love it! I have wanted one for a while and am really pleased that I held out to get an Azure, it really does catch peoples attention!! :yahoo:

    Next job is to get used to having a RWD instead of the 4WD and learn how to drive again!



  3. Hi folks, I'm MacDaddy's other half!


    This is my new car, sooooo looking forward to picking her up on Saturday morning! I get sad thinking that my MK4 R32 is going but then I remember what is going to replace her and I'm fine again!!


    Looking forward to coming to a meet soon and deciding what's first to mod... think it's an addiction!!

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