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Everything posted by Gibby

  1. Second that! I would def be going round there and...................!
  2. yeah megs is the best lasts ages too
  3. Wot wheels are they? Looks like a set of mean black wheels!
  4. Cheers going to do this at the wknd amongst other jobs!
  5. I'm going to take the front black reg plate holder off! Is this an easy one? I know it leaves 2 holes as I've read on a previous thread! Thanks
  6. Gibby

    Rough cost??

    I'm thinking my suspension is done so Im going to get it checked on Saturday. But if I was to change the droplinks, bushes and suspension etc wot £££ are we talking obviously I know it depends wot suspension I take but droplinks and bushes costs an Anthony else I need? Thanks in advance!
  7. Has anybodys shocks went or bushes etc... its only just started i reckon it mite be the shocks as the zeds done near 80,000 mls now? its not constant it really just after bumps in road, im going to leave it just now to see f it gets worse then ill prob invest in sum coils!
  8. How easy is it to remove the handles or could this be done on car with sum proper masking? Would you: rub down and red prime then black up with and fin with laquer? Thanks
  9. I have mine serviced or if anything needs done at The Garage in Motherwell! The owner is clearly mad about Jap metal! They have a website! can't remember wot it is though google should pass up the goods!
  10. Gibby

    Rota SVN

    http://www.wheeldude.com/gallery2/d/930 ... z_0018.jpg
  11. Gibby

    Rota SVN

    I'll have a look on that website!! Cheers I'll get sum pics up when I get in as I'm on the iPhone at the mo!
  12. Gibby

    Rota SVN

    Seen these in last months banzaion a crackin Scoob! I think they look pretty smart only downside is there only in 18" but can get 18 by 10 rear and 18 by 9 front at a reasonable price! Wots your opinions?
  13. Welcome, if it's all good buy it you won't regret it! Such a drivers car! No nonsense involved!
  14. Gibby

    My Zeds Progress

    Ive had her a year now and I love it! Mods so far: Japspeed K1 & Y-Pipe Sony Cdx-gt630ui Carbon B-Pillars Carbon Rear Strut Carbon Engine Cover Carbon Brake/Battery Covers HKS Oil Cap Pics: http://s621.photobucket.com/albums/tt29 ... ear29/Zed/
  15. Looks Emense!!!!!!!!
  16. are these still for sale? if so ill take them!
  17. Great Pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will Def be doing this nxt year!!
  18. I'll take the brake and battery covers m8!
  19. Quality room, Nice colour of blue, def yorkie blue
  20. I'll take the c/f brake n battery covers!!
  21. Is this the one from epracing that goes on roof at rear?
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