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Everything posted by ZedJohn

  1. Thankfully apathy soon overwhelms the OCD for me, plus the lack of a six-pack! Harman - that is unbeleivable shiny, you've obviously put a lot of graft into that
  2. £1/litre - if only! I remember the days of 69.9p a litre. Ahhh those were the days...
  3. I had a Mk5 GT170 TDI mapped to 200bhp / 300 ft lbs, the wheelspin in the wet (and the damp, moist, greasy, mildly un-dry) was lairy to say the least! Scary understeer on wet roundabouts many a time! But the 600 motorway miles out of a tank of fuel was a bonus!
  4. Ohhh good, I'd got as far as Loads Chavs Ride-in-them. Shocking
  5. Ohhhhh shineeeeee That looks really impressive. Mods: thanks for the move - I'll have a look.
  6. My Golf was a diesel and was the 170bhp variant. A new map will be needed whatever car it goes to, each map is bespoke to each car.
  7. Just lost the thick end of 2 hours at work reading this thread - cheers! I've never had a compliment either - I put it down to ignorance from everyone around me who isn't me. Food for thought: the girlfriend's younger brother is in full progress of chavving (no, sorry, modding) his Fiesta Zetec S - I was flicking through Fast Car magazine (other reading material is available) and they've got a Zed as a long term modding project so based on this I'm now a firm believer that the Zed will do down the Supra route; it will never be as main stream as the Novas/Corsas of the world but there wil be a niche band of modders and modding companies that will radically change the appearance and performace of the Zed now the residuals are falling. More variety / more talking points / more work for CS, Envy etc.
  8. Ouch. Just limped into Sainsbury's with 16 miles of fuel left, filled her up on 97 RON (the super-ist Sainsburys do) and it cost £75! I will not be running that low again on fuel! My poor wallet
  9. Hi, I've been told the best type of cleaning / protecting for a car is to have it detailed. I'm the first to admit I'm a lazy s*d and the Polish normally clean the car (cue the disapproving comments!) Can anyone explain what detailing is and if it's worthwhile? Thanks
  10. I would have thought so as they share the parts across the VAG group but as I haven't tried, I couldn't say for definate. Best to contact ChippedUK. Sorry for the vagueness, i just don't want to sell something that'll be no good for you/your mate.
  11. Hello, I've still got my ST3 box I bought for my MK5 Golf GT170 (p/x for my Zed) and it is now for sale... The box plugs into the diagnostic port and you can upload a new map to 'better suit the car to your needs' (read into that what you will!) The box turned 170bhp into 200 and gave around 300 ft lbs of torque. If only Zeds were that easy to modify!! The box comes with CD ROM, USB leads and ODB cable. You will firstly need to download your current map from your VW/Seat/Audi etc and email it to ChippedUK, they will tweak it to your needs and send it back (approx £100), you then upload it to the car and hey presto - a transformed car! The beauty of the mod is it's untraceable and can be swapped back to and from standard as many times as you like so it's a popular choice with the company car crowd. The box is for sale for £100 + postage.
  12. Hi all, Not fussed about design etc, just need four wheels to be used as a second set for track day use, 17 or 18 inch will be fine. Thanks
  13. I merely stumbled stubled accross this thread looking for something completely different.... Feb's a long way away without a Zed and greasy roads. I hope you've got something to keep you entertained until then!
  14. The car looks great Nurrish, do you have any body parts / organs left? I'd be without most to fund all that for mine!
  15. What a great thread! My wallet disagrees though! I dread to think how much some of those mods cost. Loving those headlights.
  16. Hi all, After a bit of advice please, I've done a couple of track days since buying my Zed, I upgraded the brake fluid after the first one due to massive fade problems but the oil's done both. Is it worth changing the fluids or can I wait to the next service (approx 6k miles). Thanks John
  17. ZedJohn

    Hankook V12s

    I was tempted with them, possibly next after the Falkens wear out. It's gutting that I work for a tyre company and can't get a decent discount!!
  18. ZedJohn

    Hankook V12s

    Hi all, After a couple of track days, the old Bridgestones are looking a bit tatty, I was going to plump for Falkens due to mix of good reviews and previous good experiences but a friend is recommending the Hankook V12s - I can't find anything on here and was wondering if anyone's tried these on a Zed and could give me their opinions. Many Thanks
  19. what would you get if you melted 365 used condoms into one...?
  20. rtbiscuit - that's fine mate, I'm useless with most things automotive, but I can talk rubber. I've tried that line several times on the laydeees and it never works kings - I work for a leading tyre manufactuer
  21. ohhh rtbiscuit, good idea - I wonder how much Mitz at CS would charge...
  22. As a country we're ignorant to winter tyres, most of eastern Europe will change their tyres to winter spec in October and swap back in March. I think o matter what rubber is on the Zeds, they'll struggle in the snow. Now how about a 4x4 Zed? Give the Evos a scare! No sideways though
  23. rtbiscuit - I'm in the tyre trade, I was only saying that UHP is a classification of speed ratings, not brand or opinon, if a Nangkang / Wanli / Chengshin make a tyre that is Z (150 mp/h max), W (168 max) or Y (186 max) then it is classed as UHP. This makes tyre choice for Joe Public less than straight forward. Pearl - be careful with Camskills, they're known for importing non-EU tyres that aren't designed roads/climate. Check the tyres for an E-mark (letter E in a circle) on the sidewall of the tyre. For independant reviews, companies like DEKRA or TUV SUD carry out impartial tests.
  24. It's best to do you basic mods first, filter, exhaust etc and then do a remap to get the best out of the upgraded parts. That's my plan anyway! The popcharger is fitted, just saving up for a lightened flywheel, clutch, exhaust system and then I'll pop to Leeds for the remap. I'm not expecting flames out of the exhaust or drastic changes but it should help!
  25. Ultra High Performance (UHP) is just the classification of the tyre, anything W, Y or Z rated is UHP, all tyres in the Zed's sizes are UHP. H & V rated are High Performance (HP) and S & T are standard.
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