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Everything posted by Tarmac@TarmacSportz

  1. Just a little thought on the whole chavvy boy racer thing... A lot of the posts I have read from people selling up is due to change in circumstances ie jobs, can't afford the running costs or need more seats, not many have said they are selling cos they are cheaper to mod. Yeah mods are cheaper... Chris it's a fact of life mate. I bought a 50" plasma tv a couple of years ago for £2k, that same tv is being advertised for £500 now !!! But I ain't selling it just because some baseball wearing guy in a council house can afford one now. But, on the flipside I will probably upgrade the tv when some new fancy tv with 3d viewing or something comes out
  2. Totally agree with you vik It's a taste thing Jay if you got your 911 or whatever and some people on a forum had put a body kit on that wasn't to your taste and their writing was not in the queens English would it be time to sell your chavvy Porsche ????? That's why I think the whole chavvy aspect of this thread is sad. It's up to you guys if you want to let what other people are doing to there zeds upset your image behind the wheel... I love my zed and it doesn't affect me one bit what other people want to do to there's
  3. So your generalizing the Zed cos there's some people that drive stupidly and put daft bodykits that are not to everyones taste.. Yeah I get it now - thanks ....................ok.
  4. So a boy racer is defined by how ugly he has turned his car ? There's been a few out of the ordinary kits put on zeds recently I agree with that, they are not to my taste either but just cos a few people are doing things differently doesn't mean the ZEd is turning chavvy or boy racerish.
  5. You only have to see some of the kits that have been fitted recently to see what kind of people are buying the cars now Not being funny bud but your car doesn't look exactly stock ! So are we saying mad markies veilside is boy racerish ? Or is that fine cos he put the kit on when the car was worth £18k. Don't get it I'm afraid !
  6. I must be misunderstanding something here Can someone define what a boy racer is ??? Majority on here mod cars and go to meets right ? Thats fine So what we are saying is that when the cars become a lot cheaper ie less than 10k then they turn into boy racer cars.... Might be on my own but I think that's a bit sad, hypocritical and up your own bottom
  7. Don't get me wrong guys I am not into boy racer type cars I don't think a 3.5litre group 20 car is gonna be a chavvy boy racer car Saxos , corsas, and cars like that are boy racers in crap cars with 1.2 litre engines and cheap bodykits in my eyes People will have there own stigmas about things, maybe a bunch of guys with Zs with mods at a meet is viewed as boy racerish by some people ??? Or maybe it's a bunch of guys and gals sharing a similar hobby with like minded people. Sorry guys - free country so ur entitled to your opinions but so am I
  8. Dont worry dude - I think the majority of us are nuts about cars. I usually own cars for 6 months cos im always wanting more.... Ive had my ZED 13 months now which is a long time for me, its possible my time with the Z may come to an end after January when my missus drops.... But.. you no what ? - ive been proud to own this car, ive loved the comments from people, the stares, filling up with petrol, stuck in traffic jams, staring from my window at it when ive cleaned it or checking on it at night if ive heard noise outside... If my time comes to an end I know I will look back and remember the sheer Joy this car has gave me People are selling and thats life but be positive... look at all the people that are buying Zeds and joining this forum plus none of the regular dudes are leaving - SI HNK still here as are the others. It is evolution and you have to roll with it and be positive....
  9. I did mine a few weeks ago. To be honest ive always kept my cars cleaned but never properly detailed or waxed until recently. If you get it right you will be amazed at how good and healthy the paint work looks after Oh and +1 on the above(s)
  10. Silver !!!! But be quick cos at that price I might buy it
  11. Dam.... mines 03 Thats a good price for that tho - well spotted
  12. Imagine nipping your gran to the corner shop on woodlands road in that
  13. Yeah you are right bud..... Just wanted to gauge some opinions, seems a lot of folk are more inclined to suggest the gunmetal. Do you think a polished lip would work with the 'Forged' lettering on them though ?
  14. Calvin classics off allenton Market next to the mitre pub I'll have u know, £2 a pair
  15. Hi All Some of you may be aware I purchased SI HNK wheels last week.... Nice one Si - excellent condition ta, the Abarth looks good in the flesh too Anyway.. I own a Blade Silver JDM with Nismo spolier and very soon to have a CF Varis lip . What I cant decide is whether to keep the wheels Gun Metal or Re-spray back to original silver. I would like some opinions from you lovely people please PS dont let the piccys of Si's car (black) sway you as mine is silver so contrasts will be different..... you need to visualise them on my car. If theres any paint shop pros out there that could help...... that would be ace Many thanks Chris
  16. Might have come across a bit harshly after reading it back. im sure you have your reasons for selling
  17. Dude.... are you just trying to find some dirt about Zeds cos your gettin 'or have got rid' of yours and it might make you feel better about it ???? (quote) Less appealing cos of a renault engine, tut tut...... if your Zed could here you now !!!!
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