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Everything posted by Metatron

  1. Awesome thanks chaps, I'll look into the heater matrix. I knew I could count on the massive talent on this board
  2. This is just a niggle but it's beginning to annoy me a little. Has anyone else experienced a small rattle from behind the Speedo/Rev array? I've got some neoprene padding wedged behind it but it's still happening. I find that if I adjust the height of the steering column it stops but when I use the car again after a day, it starts up again. It doesn't seem to be anything serious as when I put a little pressure on plastic casing around the array it stops. It appears that something is loose and needs tightening but I can't for the life of me works out where it's emanating from. The problem is I can't locate it because it only happens when driving and paying attention to the road is rather important. I thought about asking the missus to find it when she's in the passenger seat but it might look a little suspect if I get stopped by the boys in blue I do have Nismo Rays on the car so the car is a little stiff on the old suspension, perhaps it's just more to do with that combined with the appalling quality of our roads. This is the place to be for answers, so any help from you talented, knowledgeable bunch would be much appreciated.
  3. Believe it or not common or garden Brasso works a treat on glass! Because it's a very fine abrasive it shouldn't do any harm. Having said that I have never used it on a windscreen, so might be worth trying an inconspicuous spot first. It takes a little time and the best thing is not to push too hard, let the brasso do it's thing, very much like T-cut. I used this method once on a respirator mask that I used to own, it was so scratched it was like looking out on a blizzard. Whipped out the Brasso and about 3 hours of wrist action later (Fnar, Fnar) it was looking better than when it came outta the box.
  4. Sounds like another little Z niggle, mine does the same although I find if I lock and unlock the doors using the remote a few times it seems to work. Spent a few morning clambering over the passenger seat, very awkward!
  5. Holy cow that's a whole lotta works and it's looks awesome! I think lessons can be learnt from this, if you have a gym membership, cancel it and just spend 7 HOURS cleaning your Zed every week!!!! Two for the price of one! Although, the cost of all the cleaning products might equal the amount you might pay for a gym, at least you won't feel like you're being ripped off and it would be a damn sight easier to motivate yourself
  6. I can appreciate the amount of work that may have gone into the car, but it just goes to show that creativity is subjective. One man's idea of art is another's idea of disaster. Personally I'm going to be wiping the carrot chunks out of my keyboard for weeks
  7. I've found that for the first 10 mins or so the best thing to do is NOT use a diagonal motion when trying to engage 1st or 2nd. If you push the shift centrally to the left and then up or down, L-shape fashion then it'll slot in easier when cold. It's still a bit of pain to get into gear but it seems a whole smoother, once the oil's up to temp carry on as normal.
  8. It's good see that there's a pretty broad selection going on here! Mine in no order of preference and no particular song: Nine Inch Nails Metallica Audioslave Tool Hybrid Astrix Alice In Chains Beastie Boys - SABOTAGE AT FULL PELT (VOLUME AND SPEED) IS A MUST! DJ Shadow Evil Nine Filter Fluke LCD Soundsystem Perfect Circle Prodigy Rage Against The Machine Xerox and Illumination I could go on but run the risk of being banned from this forum for spamming or just boring the shite outta everyone
  9. Having been a past Bimmer owner (last two cars before the Zed) I can say they are great all round cars and as you would expect quality engineering, comfort, safety, reliability and cost can be fairly ok if you need work doing, especially if you go to independent specialists, although saying that BMW stealers have dropped their prices so they they're semi-reasonable now. BUT......why change!!!! Zeds turn heads Bimmers are fodder! In my opinion though if you're gonna look a BM, try out the 135 M-Sport coupe, I took one out for spin when I was looking for an upgrade. I compared it with drives I took in the new M3 and 335 and to be honest the 135 blew me away. It's comparable in performance to the 335, with the bi-turbo it goes like whatsit of a shovel. It can also be used as a practical every day family car as it's a four seater and has decent boot space. Of course it doesn't quite match up to the M3 but it's close second. Even Clarkson loved the 135, said it's the best car they make and he's not exactly a BMW fan. That said the Zed beats them all hands down........it's a love thing despite all the niggles you just can't a Zed outta the system!
  10. Welcome mate to the lair of the Z obsessives
  11. Dear All As this is the 350z related mecca I thought that this would be the first stop for a question about waterproof covers. I don't own a garage so I'm looking to buy a cover so that my pride and joy isn't so open to the elements, especially as winter approaches. I've seen a Monsoon cover which retails at about £125 but I imagine that there are covers which are just as good but don't cost quite as much. There is one issue I have which is that because I have the Nismo spoiler attached I'm concerned that a standard cover might not fit exactly. Any suggestions would be most welcome. Thanks in advance y'all
  12. Sarnie You're right they are USDM Side Skirts. The bloke I bought it off got the kit imported because the US kit flares more than the European kit and he prefered the look. Also it's made from PU as opposed to fibreglass so it's flexible. At least that was my understanding, I may very well be wrong in which case I stand to be corrected.
  13. Lol, you are going to fit in well around here. Oh, and any pics of your Dad's old 260z? Hehe, obviously we don't expect a digital quality pic. Thanks Bronzee Yeah I know the picture isn't so good, took it on my phone. So once I've had my OCD therapy I'll post some better pics. Hmmm it's an interesting thought I'll have to ask the old man if he's got pics of his 260, if he does I'll post them.
  14. Thanks for all the welcoming replies, nice to hear from you all. For those of you that asked I managed to pick my Z up for what I think was a steal, £12,250. Forgive me if I'm wrong but you'd have to be an total numpty to turn it down. It took a long search to find, with a few tragic examples viewed on the way. One I discovered had been written off when I checked it's history. All I can say is patience is a virtue Thanks to all y'all that posted replies about my wheel cleaning dilemma, this is most certainly the right place to come to get all the answers. I'm in the Z club and lovin' it!
  15. Thanks Stew Yeah the Nismo Rays just work so well. I'm a complete obsessive when it comes to cleaning, washing, clay bar, waxing and polishing with porter cable, basically the works. It's my therapy session The one thing I'm not so sure about is wheel cleaning, I usually use wonder wheels which i find is brilliant but not so sure if it's safe to use on the Rays. I'll search the forum but if anyone has a better suggestion I'd be glad to know.
  16. Hello fellow Z owners After spending many years waiting and hoping to buy a Z it finally happened. Meet my pride and joy. [attachment=0]28072009020.jpg[/attachment] The guy I purchased from was an absolute obsessive and the car is totally mint inside and out. I spent a long time searching for the right one, specifically I was looking for the full NISMO kit and Rays because it just makes the car look awesome but without being ridiculous! Can you believe it's an 03 and it's only just hit 12k......I didn't believe it but the HPI checked out fine. It wasn't until I met the seller that i realised that he had clearly had a love affair with the car. It's been a long held dream to own a Z after my dad bought one of the first 260Z in the country back in the days when Nissan was Datsun. I'd be interested to hear from other Z owners.
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