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Everything posted by chr15g

  1. hahaha.... Nice. Unfortunately im with another band now, although that one was doing rather well.... If you do a search for "Flatliner - Miracle Girl" on youtube, you'll see a reasonable video filmed at the Bongo Club in Edinburgh a few years back Cheers for the nice welcome though mate.... Looking forward to getting a new toy now the more i think about it
  2. Haha! cheers mate, Do i know you from another forum??
  3. Hello From Sunny Edinburgh....... Hey guys, my name's Chris, and i'm currently looking for a 350 Coupe. Currently drive a Vauxhall Astra Coupe 2.0 Turbo (around 260bhp) but just fancy a change!! I've not had a look at all the other posts yet to answer all my forthcoming questions, but just wondered if there are any members from the Capital on here? Cheers guys, hopefully have one before too long so i can share some pictures
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