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Everything posted by chr15g

  1. http://www.importpartspro.com/kissupandlop.html Any good?
  2. chr15g


    Nice..... maybe a manual isn't such a bad idea then.... 60% of my journey to work is on the motorway, and the rest is extremely windy, but quite fast B roads... (Whenever i get the car, any locals will have to come for a wee drive to the border !!!!)
  3. chr15g


    I have another question that may sound daft to some of you... I'm seeing alot of Automatic 350's for sale, and they are generally cheaper than the manual variants... Is there a reason for this? are they any slower? I've also tried searching on here for info re: the Tiptronic system, as i'm unsure what it actually is!!! Are these cars semi-automatic, with a sort of override setting? If so, how does it actually work? I seen a post about someone going to install a paddleshift, so obviously you wont have that to change the gears to start with!! Sorry for all the questions, i'm sure i'll learn eventually!!!!
  4. Very very good price mate. Especially for it being a private sale. If only i could afford a private sale Good luck with it mate, she's a cracker!
  5. Cheers guys I've had a look in the For Sale section, but they all seem to be private ones But i shall keep looking!!!!!
  6. chr15g


    Just had a look at your album, and MY GOD thats a good lookin Coupe!!!!!! I'd grab it in a second if i didn't have to go thru a garage to get one
  7. chr15g


    Trade it in to your local garage, and i'll see what i can do
  8. chr15g


    Only problem is that i need to take it out on Car finance, as well as clearing the finance i have. If it was just a bank loan situation, i'd probably go for it!!!!! Cheers mate
  9. May as well post it here!!! Looking For a 350 (obviously...) My current car has outstanding finance, so the garage would need to be happy to accept both a trade in, and be happy for me to add any Negative equity value onto the next car..... Not sure if there are any car traders on this site at all, but its worth a shot.... The budget is around the 10k mark. Anyone??? (Getting tired of seeing the same cars every day on Autotrader )
  10. chr15g


    The main problem is that i have outstanding finance on my current car, therefor i'm realistically going to be adding a few grand to the price of the car that i find, to balance it out... There are loads of 350's for around the 10k mark now, most with good mileage too!!! I don't want an Auto, but like you said, i'll probably end up buying one of these custom Sat Nav units from the guys on here, and i'd more than likely opt for some different bucket seats eventually too. I'm not fussed about keeping its re-sale value, as no matter what you do, your never going to get as much as you'd like for a car anyway!!! I know Astra's are rather different, but i've managed to upgrade LOADS just from ebay and owners clus, i.e. better interior, wheels, kit etc etc... I'm sure the 350 won't be too different!!! Does the "Base" model come with the telephone unit mentioned in a few posts??? To be honest i've never even sat ina 350 yet, as i can't seem to find a decent one to test drive anywhere near me!!! So if anyone stays in the Edinburgh area, and fancies showing off, gimme a PM Thanks for the replies though here guys Chris
  11. Well there's always that i suppose :D
  12. chr15g


    Ignore ...... as soon as i pushed send i found it... My bad
  13. chr15g


    Hey guys, Sorry, as i already know this will have been covered a "few" times... I'm still on the search for a Z, but the more i see, I'm not sure that the GT in quite within the budget just now... What are the main diffrences between the GT and the "Base" models? I'm not too fussed about the leather interior to be honest, as it'll probably end up getting changed for something else eventually anyway!! Any links to any previous posts would be greeeeeeeeatly appreciated!!!! Thanks guys
  14. Following on from this then, what kinda things would need to be done to get into the 13s??? Obviously providing the driver's half decent too
  15. Well whenever i get mines, i'll be adding the Kenwood KVT-522 Touchscreen out of the Astra. Will the standard speakers etc be ok with this? I've never had a car with an integrated sub as standard before.....
  16. Going to test drive a 350 at lunch today Hopefully the finance will be ok, and if all is well, might even have it in a few weeks!!!!!
  17. chr15g

    pop charger

    Nova's aren't Chavvy any more mate Especially C20LET converted ones!!!! Pics!!
  18. Nice one I'd love to be able to keep the Astra too, but never gonna happen Thank you all for the nice welcome though... This is most certainly one of the friendliest forums i've come across in a long long time!
  19. This has been a very useful post for a 350 Newbie... I actually imagined these cars would be fairly simple to tune up, I'd love to go down the Supercharged route, (but thats probably just for the noise) Seems a bit of a waste of money now that i think of it!!! I think (like me) most people aim for the 300bhp figure, because its not far away from the standard figure, and it just sounds more impressive!!
  20. ah..... ah well.... I'm sure it'll be fast enough till i can afford to "enhance" Thanks Mike!
  21. To be honest, i'd be very happy with about 350hp... The question is, how deep will my pockets need to be!!!
  22. hmmmm... thats not too goo.... although 280bhp is a fantasatic starting point!!!!! What realistically would i expect from the usual breathing mods? better air intake, pre-cat / Sports Cat etc etc Are there any good remapping options for us "north of the border" folk? i know that N/A cars dont usually gain much from them though... Sorry about all the questions, i've only just got used to Turbo tuning, so i think i'm expecting too much from too little But thanks all for the nice welcome. I do hope i can get a 350 soon, and meet some of you guys Just for general conversations' sake, here my car just now Not sure if its anyones cup of tea on here though!!
  23. I most certinly will do! Having never driven a 350 yet, can i ask what you guys love about the car so much? I know i'll miss the feel of the Turbo pushing me into the back of the seat when the foot goes down, but i'm sure there are plenty tuning options available without having to rob a bank?????
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