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Everything posted by Tricky-Ricky

  1. Thanks! and no apparently, i am told that the 350Z one won't fit, however i would like to double check, as the whole suspension set up is the same.
  2. Got around to making a harness cover today, unfortunately i could only get 1/6 thick alloy angle, so the bending was a bit difficult, you will see what i mean from the pic, if i had any alloy mig wire i would of tacked it so there is no gap, but I'll get around to it eventually.
  3. Yes its now been adjusted on these cars, several 350GT Skyline owners have been getting reduced rates through this year.
  4. No argument about that, Nismo is a factory version, not a dealer thing, or about the options list, my point is that it wasn't that exclusive or that special in most cases.
  5. LOL! at all the "Nismo" stuff, fact is that Nissan did a Nismo version of virtually every performance or cult car they ever produced, it was just a factory tart up in most cases, body trim/kit interior tweaks and only a few select models got some engine and suspension tweaks but they where rare, it was mostly just for looks, and most where only available as JDM cars, with a few exceptions.
  6. So whats wrong getting on the home made parts bandwagon?
  7. My thoughts too! is your mate built like hulk Hogan, that or a badly adjusted clutch.
  8. Thanks for that, more than i need in fact, just needed rough size before i order up some angle or channel Couldn't believe the price of these things, i can knock one up in under an hour.
  9. Can some kind soul who has one fitted, give me the width and depth please?
  10. A complete engine strip is not required to replace the cams but best to remove the engine to do the job. Heads have to come off as well as the complete front end, so easier with the engine out and if you are stripped that far, then you are just as well pulling the pistons and crank and doing a refresh. Alex. Heads off ? surly not, AFAIKS its just the front covers to get at the timing chains,sprockets etc, and just cam bearing caps etc, otherwise it would mean head of in order to replace lifter buckets, should the clearances need attention. yep it is head off irrc when mine was done . Can you please explain why the heads need to come off? i am a pretty fair mechanic/engineer and having looked at the manual i still fail to see how changing cams can necessitate head removal.
  11. A complete engine strip is not required to replace the cams but best to remove the engine to do the job. Heads have to come off as well as the complete front end, so easier with the engine out and if you are stripped that far, then you are just as well pulling the pistons and crank and doing a refresh. Alex. Heads off ? surly not, AFAIKS its just the front covers to get at the timing chains,sprockets etc, and just cam bearing caps etc, otherwise it would mean head of in order to replace lifter buckets, should the clearances need attention.
  12. Can somebody tell me just why its an engine strip to replace the cams?, certainly doesn't look like it in my manual.
  13. Its designed to have a quick warm up, its a compact all aluminium V6, that also runs a thermostat bypass all the time.
  14. I have noticed this with most cars i have owned, i think its simply down to being in sync with them at the time, like anything else, sometimes you just get everything right.
  15. Well your a f*cking tosser then and I hope you slip in said cat @*!# and land face first Well i quite agree, and adammitch69 you are the kind of person that i would quite happily beat the crap out of with you insensitive attitude, oh then i would take a sledge hammer to your car
  16. Thanks Alex, the only differences to the manuals i have are pins 34 and 35 which are supposed to be IAT and O2 signal for no1 bank 1 (not confirmed this yet, but the IAT is actually behaving like the coolant temp sensor so i guess it is on mine. 50 is not TPS on mine wrong value, and i don't have 51, but have 52 which is the right colour for the MFA but again wrong value, and i am guessing pin 73 is probably my IAT I also tried to use 62 for RPM but the LM-2 wont see it? the JDM 350GT ECU is obviously completely different I really don't want to have to go through it all with a meter
  17. Has anyone got a JDM ECU Pinout diagram with wire colours if possible, as it might be closer to my JDM 350GT Skyline than the US infinity G35 and US 350Z manuals that i have, as nothing seems to match up or is not what its supposed to be.
  18. You CANNOT! rub down metallic/pearlecent colours between coats, it will fook it up big time, you spray two to three coats to get the desired shade, you can run a tack cloth over it only and then apply the lacquer.
  19. Unfortunately the final colour/shade of the paint also depends on how its sprayed, IE pressure, heavy or mist coat, there are so many variables with paint that unless you really know what your doing, its only ever going to be a luck of the draw job. Blending is VERY difficult to do properly, i have been spraying off and on for twenty odd years (not professionally) and i still **** it up, blending is also very dependant on using heavily thinned lacquer, or even straight thinners, take it to a professional One last bit of advice, preparation of the area is everything, it cam make or ruin the job.
  20. Depends if you have a JDM or UK spec car, the J spec needs an ECU reflash/map to make the best of mods like induction or spacers and exhausts etc,it cannot adjust itself to account for mods, and there is Little can be done with the UK ECU AFAIK (waits for Mark to jump in as he may be able to do the UK ECU now?)
  21. No, For the wideband you need to buy the TXS Tuner & you get the wideband reading from that (o2 sensor fitted into the cat) Ahh right, thought it had a wideband input and had a crude auto tune function like the Emanage, Just had a quick squint at the manual, and although it has more scope for knock control, it actually has less resolution and less features than the Emanage, oh well! looks like its back to the original idea, i already have an Innovate twin wideband setup with data logging ready to go in, may do that soon, if i can get the original O2 sensors out, then its just a case of feeding a simulated narrowband signal to the ECU, which will allow me i little fuel tweaking but only on a global scale.
  22. Yeah! i favour the Uprev Osiris tuner, to do ,myself, but its about £550 and i have seen a couple of cheaper Utecs and thought i might have a go if its at all capable, but i think at this rate I'll just have to wait until i can spare the extra cash.
  23. Thanks for the input guys not worried abut anybody to tune it as i am quite happy to do it myself, had quite a bit of experience with Power FC and Emanage ultimate, so not a problem, i was more interested in how the Utec actually accomplishes the fuelling and timing adjustment. A lot of piggybacks adjust the injectors and ign timing after the ECU, but the ECU will still fight the adjustments in closed loop, as its all about the lambda feedback and knock control, but Turbo XS where not about to volunteer any sensible info! Ian, did the Utec have an input for the wideband?
  24. I guess nobody then? used to be that American businesses had a courteous and helpful attitude, but these days there attitude is just crap!
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