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Everything posted by Tricky-Ricky

  1. Better than the Z thats for sure, if you though the UK you drove was worlds apart from a Z then it must have had seriously worn suspension,and badly set up, thats all i can say, interestingly you say that the Z handling is better, yet they both run similar chassis set up and in fact the Supra runs a propper double wishbone front and rear, whereas the Z is only a semi double setup. So to me the ten year gap does not show me anything, in fact i actually found the Z handling wanting in comparison to my old Supra, which i could get around bends a good bit quicker without having to hang the arse out to do it.
  2. Have you ever owned a Supra? and what do you think is different about a UK Supra? On the uk specific spec supras Toyota GB upped the spec on few important areas (just like Nissan did on official uk R34 GTR skylines) Suspension changes to suit uk Slight different higher boost turbos hence 320+ bhp for uk models Full leather (and uk specific cream leather option aswell) They did few Tweeks to the brakes aswell Glass headlights And few more things aswell which I can't remember top of my head. The uk spec supra can be spotted by the little bonnet scoop on bonnet and the headlight washer jets in the bumper. These cars go for more money but it's worth the difference. I am well aware of the UK spec, i was just wondering what you though was better, first the 320BHP is a fallacy, , Despite the differences with the fuel injectors, turbos and overall weight (the UK car is heavier due to the extra mechanical bits), there isn't really any significant performance difference between the two. The J-Spec turbos spool faster, but the UK ones can take more boost. Both are very fast cars. Yes they had glass headlight's, and softer but not better suspension, but everything else was available as an extra on the import and was often fitted, IE leather (rears where never leather by the way) big brakes etc. etc.. I have owned a J spec Supra which i modified extensively and went through several incarnations and ended up with a big single turbo, i have also driven lots including UK specs, and there are no discernable differences in driving quality, in fact i would rather have the J spec due to the UKs spending there lives in our climate. Finally they have a much better build quality than any Nissan, and are if maintained like anything else far more reliable, IMO there is no comparison between the Z and the Supra other than the feel similar on the handling stakes.
  3. The vibration your feeling when putting pressure on the clutch is probably just the clutch bearing making contact with the pressure plate springs, and pretty normal in my book, you will only feel the DMF when taking up drive, and then you wont always feel it unless its completely fooked, not 100% in the DE DMF but most i have seen use rubber for the shock absorption, as springs get noisy when worn, the limit of the DMF is 24mm but you will have to pull the inspection plate and leaver the DMF in order to check. i wouldn't think that its work at only 40 odd K. I f you want a light weight flywheel then its up to you, kind of depends on your driving style as to whether you like it or not, and unless your very heavy handed, or are fond of hard launches, its unlikely to accelerate drive train wear that much, personally if your just doing normal road driving i wouldn't bother.
  4. Have you ever owned a Supra? and what do you think is different about a UK Supra?
  5. Still got mine, just in case i get another bike to restore, looks like we have an old gits club forming here...shal we go down the pub.
  6. http://www.350z-uk.c...tch-new-type-r/ ? Edit. Also: http://www.350z-uk.c..._hl__nowhereboy LOL! Fail! :lol:
  7. Too much involving height's for me to watch it all, :scare: but yeah their crazy alright.
  8. DMF is nothing new, they have been used on lots of cars since the 80s the mass/momentum makes for smother idle, and the buffer effect of the rubber inserts or springs is designed to take up transmission shocks, i think people like the single mass light weight flywheels because they make the engine slightly more responsive to the throttle, normally the clutch to go with a DMF will not have any springs like a normal clutch cover, so even the light weight flywheel will have some damping via the clutch, but not as much, but i think its really just down to feel, its not like you need to have less mass on a road car, but if your a regular track day buff its probably a good idea.
  9. Don't take it to heart fella, its was just a bit amusing for some of us, your obviously use to older cars. As an oldie I used to use feeler gauges on my contacts in thousands of an inch, rotating the engine to top dead centre of course. Yes, i too can remember using a fag paper to set the points on my magneto equipped bike, i still work in thou half the time. today most think magneto is a character from X men....
  10. Moving on slightly from the horse muck debacle, you should see some of the roads around my way after beat harvesting season, apart from the size of the tractors your likely to meet on the small lanes, and these are of a size that makes an articulated truck envious, But the result is that some of the lanes look like a farm tracks as there is so much mud on them, and i am not talking a couple of hundred yards, more like three miles,and after making the mistake of using one my car was a completely different colour.
  11. Don't take it to heart fella, its was just a bit amusing for some of us, your obviously used to older cars.
  12. Don't bother with an N/A Supra, the Z has better power and delivery., and going turbo is expensive done properly.
  13. Do I still have a rotor arm in my Zed... :scare: Yeah could be the distributer cap.................
  14. Why not drive them and then make a decision.
  15. I played around with the breathing system in an effort to cure this, but all i succeeded in doing was reducing it slightly.
  16. Having owned both a Supra and a Skyline 350GT and driven several Zs i would totally disagree that the Z or 350GT is better handling, different yes but not better, the Supra is every bit as reliable as the Z and bullet proof, far better build quality in both body chassis and engine, and from my experience parts are cheaper for the Supra, but some parts are hard to obtain. Buy a TT supra and BPU it and you will be happy with the resulting power for some time, at a cost of around £500, or buy one already sorted, you looking at a minimum of 6K to get similar power from a Z. Oh and to address the consumption comparisons, my single turbo Supra was getting better MPG than my 350GT.
  17. I did that simply because i'd had enough of you keep trying to play the " i know more" game, and wanted to have the last word ,and i am afraid I'm too long in the tooth for playing silly buggers, i have been tuning cars and bikes for more years than most here, and i don't claim to know best either, but I'm past arguing the toss, i was simply trying to pass on some knowledge to the OP about the mistakes made with running large dia exhaust on a N/A car and used the turbocharged engine as an example, not a statement of precise fact just an example, but you insisted on trying to correct me and quoting other sites in an effort to prove your point, PS: my quote was not aimed at you either. PPS i also taught myself to map on a turbocharged car, and have never blown an engine.
  18. Yes you can transfer the license, but if you own the software you need to contact up-rev direct to do this, and in any case i was talking about if i sold my car with a remap and wanted to remap another car i owned, i would have to purchase a further license.
  19. I wasn't actually referring to your post mate regarding that comment, anyway what i mean is that with a piece of software you buy the license and you have full control of that particular bit of programming, but with the up-rev (at least with a straight remap, and to a similar degree with the full software) you buy a license and the remap but have no further access to that software, and i know that the license gives up to three remaps for each license, and like i said when i considered buying the software/license i was put off by the fact that if i wanted to use it on another car that i owned i would still have to buy further license's.
  20. A couple of odd points/rants spring to mind here, firstly about hose muck, if you can be fined for littering by throwing something out of your car/truck/bus etc window, and for something falling out of the back of a car or truck, then surly you should be subject to the same if your hose craps, as it would also constitute littering, and could constitute a hazard if its a big pile Going on in the same vain, although cyclists and horses are considered no polluting they could be considered a hazard on a small country lane, fine but you should expect this sort of thing on a country road, but what happens when there is an accident, as neither are insured specifically for being on the road what happens in that event if the fault is with the rider/animal? Now i have nothing against horses or bike riders in general, but living in the country i do see a lot of horses/crap and cyclists, and i think they are pretty equal on the hazard front, horses for being big and sometimes pretty skittish no matter how slow, and how much room you give them, and two for the great piles of steaming crap that confront you when you round a blind bend, now this i find particularly dangerous if you happen to be riding a motorcycle, which i have for years in the past, and the number of times i have had to try and dodge them or skid through them.... The same has the be said about bicycle riders, apart from the "i have every right to be on the road" attitude, even if i am causing a hazard for other road users, the thing that gets me is they seem to think its OK to ride two abreast on narrow country roads and begrudgingly move over only once you have had to almost come to a stop to get safely by them!
  21. Yes! most professional re-mappers will have some form of indemnity, however like i said i have seen some nasty wrangles over blame, which is why i mentioned it. And FYI i have been talking about my own experience's and wouldn't remap anyones car apart form my own for precisely those reasons, despite being asked , if anyone is daft enough to have their cars remapped by "some bloke down the pub" which i am not! is asking for trouble! BTW i am rather disheartened to see the amount of posts that are basically of the "if you don't agree with me, i will just try and make as many derogatory and belittling remarks as possible until you give up" verity here, its rather sad and childish for whats supposed to be an adult forum.
  22. But you seem to misunderstand the licensing of said software .......... that surprises me. I don't misunderstand, i simply have an opinion...like everyone else here. Theres also a danger of getting it wrong and lunching your engine, theres the time you have to spend learning, the time you have to spend actually mapping and testing ......... and £200 thrown at someone who knows what they are doing is "expensive"? Of course there is, conversely i have seen quite a few instances of professionals getting it wrong, at least i will only have myself to blame if i get it wrong, and not the trouble and expense of a legal wrangle if its a mapper, and FYI i have not damaged any engine ...so far.
  23. Agreed! i am certain that a professional mapper could extract a few more BHP for most of the cars i have mapped, but i also enjoy the learning process, and have never shied away from a challenge when it comes to doing things my self, which is why apart from being a tight ass, that i have done everything to my past cars, and thinking about it i don't think i have ever paid more than 1.6K for a single item, and that was a complete SH big turbo kit for my Supra, which is another reason i don't agree with paying the price for whats supposed to be the "best" I would rather do my research and buy the most cost effective item for the job, rather that the name, everyone is fond of the "you get what you pay for" adage, but i disagree, and have found plenty of very acceptable parts for sensible money.
  24. right so you can see people who want cheaper remaps there's a market for it and your not capitalizing on it, If you think you can do it less then you have one hell of a future business you should be starting And have to put up with all the moaning about price! Actually one of the main reasons for me not buying the Up-revOsiriss/tuner is the fact that if i decided to sell my car with the ECUremappedd, i would have to pay to be able to remap another.
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