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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Looks good but $600!
  2. As above if your really concerned try to stick something through it. Its most likely surface rust.
  3. If you do change to UK sized battery you will need UK sized terminals.
  4. yes that and they can steal your car with the obd hack or something. Spoke to the guy about that too. He said my car and all new BMW's dont have that issue anymore and there was a recal done for all the cars that it effected. Dont worry. I'm sure the 320i badge would put most people off anyway Takes the joy out of joy ride :p I'm joking, kinda
  5. yes that and they can steal your car with the obd hack or something.
  6. What about Mega or is that not what your looking for?
  7. I don't have any ATM but I dont really mind what other people say as I enjoy the way it looks.
  8. No. I dont see the big deal tbh If it looks gash its cost me less then £10. You haven't seen my car it will suit it. I might put pics up when I've done them.
  9. So Been looking at these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221151848564?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121003991949?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 and red for the other side. Epoxy resin them down and they wont move.
  10. If you can't park you shouldn't drive I can park, just not very well. I have always parked away from everyone so when I'm parking and its busy it takes me like 10mins
  11. Dblock

    F&F6 GTR-35

    Is that a Zed on the left on 2 wheels? Also who is that massive guy?
  12. ? 1 its the same really. 2 why not just buy tyres online from camskill, mytyres, black circles etc etc and ask your garage to fit them? +1 Mm, but then i have to lug them down to the local garage, (some of whom are not happy to just fit, so i understand), too much messing about, have to be home to take delivery of said tyres, wont get them in Zed i doubt, and im lazy !!!! lol. Don. Then pay over the top for it. Your choice no one is forcing you.
  13. So you haven't heard the hack and your automatically assuming its better than the tape adapter? Good advice. I got a tape adapter.... It was crap so I chopped the cable off, got brave and did the hack. The sound is perfect with iPod hack Defo recommend - just follow the guide, it's not too hard. Then you can say that as you have the experience to back it up. Better tape adapters also give better sound.
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