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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Someone posted up a gif which I lulz at.
  2. Hang on let me ask her name I'll assume your Mrs doesn't read this forum which one? Dblock...... I think its me holds the record for multiple wives on this forum Not at the same time though
  3. What type of s500 did you have w220 or w221. Mpg is effected but the Z seems to steam up quickly. I used silca gel pacs these huge ones. Throw them on the radiator once a week to dry them out and they seem to help.
  4. Didn't someone on here suggest goretex as it lets water out but not in?
  5. A hunter machine is no good if monkeys are using it.
  6. I'm not too sure. Maybe drop them an email and ask
  7. Use a stopwatch if you need to help you and video the code. Its alot easier that way.
  8. Nice car. Isn't this in the wrong section?
  9. It's the very definition of it. Is it? 99% of people assume doping is steriods including me until recently.
  10. Hang on let me ask her name I'll assume your Mrs doesn't read this forum which one?
  11. Dblock

    2 x 350Z

    Thanks Mitz 2nd biggest mistake I've made was selling my Z The R33 has gone now but atleast I made a profit on it What was the biggest mistake? supercharging it?
  12. Dblock

    Show me yours?

    Love SMD's clocks.
  13. Doping is wrong etc etc. BUT IMO the guy is still a legend as he had cancer and raised awareness and did alot for it. Also do people think you can take a pill and never train. Doping let him train HARDER although it is lets say unsportsman like but I do understand why he did it. Is taking blood out storing it in a freezer and then putting it back into the body before a race doping? It raises red blood cells and therefore oxygen levels but no substance is illegal or bought it.
  14. Dblock

    F&F6 GTR-35

    They should have used the amuse one that is tasty. The one above not so sure.
  15. Big deal. I taught the women of Croydon to avoid getting into unmarked taxi cars, and accept drinks from strangers. Now we both really know which was better for society! LOL!
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