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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. All in jest you know we love a bit of banter.
  3. No they won't they'll offer you peanuts and try and flog it for a fortune. When I bought mine back in 2008, the local stealer wanted £20,000, I got one newer with less miles for £15,000. They just wait to sell them to mugs who don't shop around I dont think there is anything wrong with that personally. It's not dishonest as thats what they do. don't blame them for trying, but thats why i shop around. +1. Somethings worth what someone will pay for it.
  4. No they won't they'll offer you peanuts and try and flog it for a fortune. When I bought mine back in 2008, the local stealer wanted £20,000, I got one newer with less miles for £15,000. They just wait to sell them to mugs who don't shop around I dont think there is anything wrong with that personally. It's not dishonest as thats what they do.
  5. Dblock

    Japspeed k4?

    +1. Trust me within a week it will rattle or it wont fit in the first place. Your money though
  6. Dblock

    F&F6 GTR-35

    The massive guy is one of the rocks brothers, hes doing some stunt doubling or something Not a family to mess with
  7. Hmm. I always thought it was good practise to change it. Obviously not.
  8. I agree. Same with AMEX most is 24hour email or phone. Emails are responded to within minutes. But they are all abroad. I have been on the phone to sky who is uk based and they where absolute numpties.
  9. I've been banging about these for years
  10. I agree with you but I also agree with Peter re the warranty. When do Nissan recommend to change it after 1200miles for a new engine?
  11. If its doing that quite badly or your tracking it hard get a baffled sump as Kaiser said.
  12. Even if they are much much cheaper? E.g. IMO the polite Indian staff of 3 are much better than the rude UK staff at EE/orange. Same with most people at halifax can gtf but AMEX has Eastern Asian call centres I think and they are so so so helpful.
  13. If you haven't bought a VEMS. Maybe try a syvecs? Horsham and abbey are using it on their owns cars I'm sure.
  14. Even on a brand new engine?
  15. AHhhhhhhhhhhhh. Hope your better but I dont feel like walking now after reading that. Im hold me knee now.
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