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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. I personally disagree with this. A few things. The 350z would just have been a 300zx then really. The lack of turbo IMO adds a bit of character and also it makes it affordable to run for most of us. I couldn't afford a 400bhp on petrol etc etc but the 350z isnt that bad on fuel and its fast enough on the road. Plus remember its still a cheap car. People moan about the interior and its weight but its cheap. Also it adds to the rawness and character. IMO the gt86 which everyone is banging on about that is a 10 year newer 350z. The 350z is MORE than the sum of its parts IMO. Simple rwd + nice engine = nice drive. Its a compromise. Its not as focused as a s2k or an elise but its not as cruiserish as a other cars. Its the jack of all trades but master of none. Its wins on drive ability, character and its rewarding to drive.
  2. Awesome work. Did you use axle stands when you fitted the exhaust?
  3. Dblock


    They aren't 8k then. I have 6500k and they are bluey white. My brother has 8k and they are noticeably blue.
  4. Don't they do something like this for mobiles?
  5. Car, engine type, weight, low vs high rpm, turbo or big displacement, type of car e.g. Luxury or raw etc etc
  6. OR The 350z's classy looking thing, still pumped but less...boy racer, insides a bit of a let down.
  7. A guy with a Nissan slagging off other cars interiors?
  8. Have you phoned the prins guy? I have read that the whole system is better than other systems.
  9. That is true but I was looking at driving 6 hours to get a good job done. Its up to you but from everything I've read the prins system is so so much better. But its your money and I can understand 2 hours away when your car isnt working is hard. But worst case scenario it will still work on petrol.
  10. Stand alone I think not sure what's best? PC is better as you have more control plus if you have a spare pc its cheaper but standalone is eaiser as then its on all the time without having to worry. My personal experience in standalone was it was inferior to a pc based system but was technically easier to set up. With cameras you want the biggest sensor size you can and IR or night mode. You will be most likely using BNC camera and cables but you get the normal video/phono type aswell.
  11. disagree personally maplins stuff is expensive. but it is local.
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