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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Got some standard wheels but no tyres on them? :lol;
  2. Was a Lupo I told you it was nothing exciting. Cars seem to be worth alot less over there?
  3. Cheers guy. Was about to book everything but then it just sold!!!! SOOO annoyed. Cheers guy for the help really appreciate this place.
  4. Good idea. Although not sure what I hate more domestic flights or ferries! Euggh. Cheapest I could find was £112 return although it will be that plus another single bringing a car back. Need to see how much flights are aswell.
  5. Hi guys, I'm looking to buy a car from Belfast. It's nothing exciting lol just a shed. So I want to take a car there and 2 cars back. My dad bought his current car from somewhere in N.I. So anyway where is the cheapest place to find ferry trips from Scotland to Belfast? I know there is usually Larne or Belfast TBH cheaper the better. So if anyone can give me any advice or website that would be awesome
  6. Been watching the series. I thought it was quite good personally. I thought it was better than last series. Also I enjoy the africa or whatever ones as entertainment not for the cars. Although when they break their own cars its funny but when they sabotage each others I personally think its a bit lame and not funny? But we are probably only a small audience.
  7. Just because they aren't purple
  8. Read the code. Plug in code reader or do pedal dance.
  9. Dblock


    I use some 92 ron. Rag it to the red line and let it bounce sometimes. It makes a weird noise sometimes but its still ok.
  10. Phew. That's why you asked if you was doing it right. I can remember I was trying or do the pedal dance and was in a panic to read the code. Turns out I was doing it wrong.
  11. Hope he gets better. Good luck with sale if it comes to it.
  12. How many types of key is here on my clio there was only 4-5 different types of locking nut.
  13. Can you start the car? Maybe disconnect the battery for abit and try again? Other than that rac to Nissan job.
  14. That's similar to the one I have for my impact. 21mm I think you need.
  15. Great news. The one in Scofland will be busy no doubt. :-)
  16. Bloody hell. Speak to Nissan? You 100% doing it right etc?
  17. Just make sure you buy a big one. The small ones are useless IMO.
  18. With 6 being black it could be oil. The rocker seals fail and let in a little oil. It could be something else though.
  19. Quick release UNI adapter IMO. PCL if you like but UNI seems to flow better.
  20. Wrong section btw. How do you know the coil pack is ok have you swapped it with one from another cylinder. Check the wiring going to the coil packs for breaks or the multi meter.
  21. I like it. Needs a sleepy eye kit though
  22. IMO your still doing it well wrong. 1. I personally think your not factoring in enough deprecation of the car. 2. The 350z isn't really a weekend car its not bad on fuel. 3. Buy a 350z with 10k to spend on fuel 4. If getting a weekend only car your in the same boat of it sitting there losing money 5. Get a special car for the weekend like a supercharged Z, evo, lotus or TVR etc IMO. But its your money and whatever makes you happy :-)
  23. Dblock

    Black rays?

    I like this. Post of the year
  24. Dblock

    Black rays?

    Alex who do you use to get them refurbed? I need some wheels doing (non nissan ones).
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