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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Silver is more attractive than blue? I think not.
  2. A glovebox in an accessable location?
  3. ok? Easy for merc parts though. Find out who makes them and buy from supplier and not dealer. E.g. On some Porsches Textar make pads. You can buy them with out the porsche badge for way way way cheaper. Same part though,
  4. +1 give it a fancy name slap a massive price tag on it and market it right. it will sell. I don't track my car but I want to but for 99% of driving I do I think standard is fine personally. I'd put the money into better pads.
  5. wow verbally abusing him. Keyboard warriors. If any of them had balls they would turn up and kick crap out of him.
  6. Ds2500's are great but IMO they have 2 downsides. 1. They are proper dusty but I suppose that's to be expected. The other is that IMO oem and others including yellow stuff while not as strong they feel better. The ds2500s feel very on/off to me personally.
  7. I don't think it's that expensive.
  8. Abbey, tdi north, Horsham dev. Yes they can do that for you aswell just ask.
  9. It was widely believed especially the JDM ST had more power but abbey said all cars have pretty much the same. Either way it would be a decent sized job as jdms use some different parts like narrowband lambada.
  10. Lol wut? There is no power to be had from swapping ecu's. If you want power get an uprev remap and you will get 10bhp.
  11. Dblock


    Quick trip back in time, then carry on with detailing? Bad joke. Bad bad joke!
  12. Why would it be someone off here? Either the police have acted quickly or someone messaged him and told him to hide the video. As its now set to private. You only do that if someone told him its been reported. And the only people who know its been reported is the police and people who've read this thread. Or other people who have seen the video on Facebook. +1 I thought this was doing the rounds hence why its not likly to be someone from here. Playing devils advocate here as I haven't seen the video but has anyone tried messaging saying something like we all like cars but dont drive like a (insert genital remark here)? Surely thats going to have more impact then telling the police?
  13. So pointless thread is pointless. You just said look at this car I can afford that I can't afford?
  14. Why would it be someone off here?
  15. DO IT!!! Then he can annoy another forum
  16. Dblock


    Iron x or fallout. Tardis then clay or any combo of the above :lol;
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