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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Wow. RIP to you mate and condolences to your family. You was a sound guy and very well liked. Still a shock.
  2. Remember rats and mice are different. Mice lay some traps and keep the house clean. If you get rats Gtfo and get the pros in.
  3. I buy all my stuff from ECPs except oil I get a better deal elsewhere but I do service my car myself. When I didnt service the car myself the garage never minded but if your happy to pay for it and have no hastle do that.
  4. I'm not great at it but after awhile I can usually get it.
  5. Pretty much. Tbh most people stuck with a brand s,g alpine, pioneer of kenwood for example.
  6. Yes I found it a good improvement. You need a puller with 3 arms like a bearing puller.
  7. You get a few percent back with quidco or the likes.
  8. They are good on fuel though. Inside is alot nicer to be and they can look pretty cool.
  9. Yes it will more lol. Have you tried it?
  10. Dropping a profile may mean you have TCS issues. Running the same size all round means you're going to get some intense oversteer, which means the back end is likely to want to overtake the front very easily, not something I'd recommend No, it wont lol.
  11. Turns out I don't have a holding tank. Hmm so how big do I need it to be?
  12. Hmm ok. I'm pretty sure I do as I do have a tank in the loft but could be wrong. Cheers for that link does anyone have anymore links for booster pumps? Also tanks too incase I need a bigger one? Can't phone up for a refund as water up here in domestic properties is free. Also as said I have asked them they admitted to turning it down! Just so we are clear would it be mains - holding tank - booster pump - taps etc?
  13. “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.â€
  14. Its been like this for a good while though even when it was warmer. Bang goes that theory then, lol. No its fair enough as it has been bloody cold.
  15. Its been like this for a good while though even when it was warmer.
  16. So I have a problem at home. The pressure sucks. It used to be ok and now its dire. My ionzier used to flow 3.6litres a min and now its down to 2.5litres a minute. But all around the house the pressure is dire. I've checked everything and everyone on the street is the same. Checked my stop **** is fully open and the one outside my house is max too. Phoned up the water company, they have turned it down for eco reasons!!! I wouldnt mind but the pressure is like if your washing the dishes and someone washes their hands the water trickles out. So I need a pump. It needs to do cold water mains and boost the pressure to something usable. ideally powerful I would also like to start filtering my home water supply so wll have a sediment and radial flow carbon filter soon aswell although I might buy 2 of each to run in parallel so there is less pressure drop. So what do I need to boost the pressure what type of pump and where can I get them from? Also I take it the pump will go after the filters? Part 2. Is I have a tank for the hot water and have a boiler and central heating. Can I slap a pump on that for better hot water pressure? Also remember I'm a newb so as simple as possible terms Cheers guys
  17. Please rephrase that to "illegal" immigrants that aren't of British descent. Or at least to immigrants with intent to abuse. I myself am a second generation immigrant of non-British descent, parents from Hong Kong, born in Scotland, so genetically I am not british. I pay my taxes and my brother even went to Afghan for Queen and Country. Sorry mate, ye that's what I meant Immigrant's who are here legally, legitimately and actually contribute to the economy by working and paying taxes are fine by me So lets say BM ( hypothetical question don't wish this on him he is a cool guy) he hurts himself. Can't work for 5 years needs to claim. Would you kick up about that?
  18. Its not us that are taking the pee though is it, 13mpg and getting beaten by a transit is artic territory If you had a mechanical issue causing those symptoms you would kno about it, trust me Mixed tyres IIRC.
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