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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. +1000 I'm going to say something that will annoy people. I think the nismo exhaust is too expensive and isn't that great. I've been saying it for years, its an over priced average exhaust. That nismo didn't design, they just stuck their badge on it. Same as their air filters, they are just rebranded AEM filters, but a nismo premium sacked on top. I love mine and it is definitely a quality bit of kit, but you're probably right in that without the Nismo badge, it'd be priced the same as NVidia / Miltek... But then how much stuff do you buy everyday, partly for the brand name... none.
  2. I am already thinking about upgrading the brakes, but I am going to have to try and say no for now Thanks arran that sounds just like what I need , and I am not fussed about travelling to Leicester its not that far anyway Mitz and crew will take much better care of your car then nissan.
  3. +1000 I'm going to say something that will annoy people. I think the nismo exhaust is too expensive and isn't that great.
  4. +1, especially if the damper is slightly different. Different company or the likes.
  5. +1 Mine is still gubbed need to get it fixed.
  6. If your running slicks I'm sure you should have a baffled sump and check your suspension is in good order.
  7. Shiny! Can't wait for a good day to wash my car
  8. Dblock

    A few snaps

    Looking good. I always liked that T orange.
  9. Awesome. Just shows how the forum can bring people together
  10. Link above seems good but check the for sale on here too.
  11. Yeah but I know a guy who bought a 2006 for £5k so everything is overpriced IMO Always buy the best you can for your budget. Newer cars do have better interiors and come with more power from the factory.
  12. +1 What if it sells though. Poor guy/girl.
  13. Looking really good with the wheels.
  14. If your going got the silver line or any rotary remember to factor in the cost of a soft backing plate.
  15. You can try all you want but your still going from 70-71-72-70-71 etc. cruise control bang straight on 70 and it doesn't change. I don't have cruise on my zed and it's pretty crap on e46's. Mercs cruise control is the easiest and best IMO.
  16. I've usually found cruise to be slightly better on fuel. One reason is I'm not one of those people who slows down to 50 on hills lol. Also with thr speed set you can spend more time judging the road so you never need to slow down.
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