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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. I got a full install done for £400 and that was including a headunit fitting and custom fabrication of wood etc. That was cheap but if you got the cash and £150 isn't alot go for it. But for me its silly expensive.
  2. awaits for Dblock You know what though. I like Ekona, as much as he riles me because he is so often wrong . 1. He can take it on the chin. He isn't a girl about it. 2. He atleast backs up his info with facts and figures which he believes are correct. 3. He can have a debate its not like this is what the forum think so then so must I. E.g. not a forum sheep. 4. He can be proved wrong and will back down if he is. 5. He isn't a stuck up git like alot of people. I think if I met him we would either be besties or like peter and the chicken from family guy. I'm peter though.
  3. A bit more money but would you get one over a M135i?
  4. NO! That will 1. freezer faster and 2 it can cause thermal shock which can crack your windscreen.
  5. Is that some sort of threat? A fist letter? Like a knuckle sandwich? lol Not funny Neil he said pm stood for punching message ROFL ! You were quick I'll give you that! I had to reread to catch the joke Don't have much time so I've got to be quick I think glrnet wants to ban me As you would say Bit of fun hence the little laugh face. :-) Also I would never use that yawn smile. I'd say cool story bro or put a sarcastic meme up I feel like you don't even know me sometimes Not sure if calling me a liar on an open forum is a bit of fun, but each to their own... You see, I never resort to name calling, swearing or insults as above. Yet I'm the bad one
  6. That's gives I the bob a bob sounds doesn't it?
  7. Where can you get that from what issit called? Il get you the link when I'm on the pc mate
  8. I bought a toyo sports one for £10. Modded it with copper pipe and pan scourers. Pipes where cheap. It' was £20 or close to it.
  9. Catching gunk from thr crank case which would be put back through to be burned off. That's where IMO the throttle body gets the most dirty.
  10. 28Dayslater.com is a good one, or Derilictplaces.co.uk That's the one. Reading this guys blog. It's pretty amazing.
  11. Epic! Your good. I'll give you that.
  12. There is a site that has something's like this. Urban exploration I think it is?
  13. Stubby aerial. Catch can.
  14. They could call it Improve imprezza start IMp and evo backward. Improvo? imprevo that's it's imprevo sounds amazing. Subaru or misti il take offers on the rights to that. Insert dr evil face.
  15. You sir, if you touched her without a bio hazard suit probably have the herp a derp.
  16. That's Miley Cyrus BTW. (only pic I could find) Now you know she don't spit. Ahh I thought it was. I thought that looks like some random trash of a girl... Miley cyrus. Of happily throw her down if she does that face that looks like she is having a fit and try's to lick her cheek thinking its seductive but actually incredible horrible.
  17. Dblock

    Surely not..

    Oh snap I like it. At least there won't be 2 of a kind.
  18. Seems like they are stretching it again?
  19. Is that some sort of threat? A fist letter? Like a knuckle sandwich? lol Not funny Neil he said pm stood for punching message ROFL ! You were quick I'll give you that! I had to reread to catch the joke Don't have much time so I've got to be quick I think glrnet wants to ban me As you would say Bit of fun hence the little laugh face. :-) Also I would never use that yawn smile. I'd say cool story bro or put a sarcastic meme up I feel like you don't even know me sometimes
  20. Is that some sort of threat? A fist letter? Like a knuckle sandwich? lol Not funny Neil he said pm stood for punching message ROFL ! You were quick I'll give you that! I had to reread to catch the joke Don't have much time so I've got to be quick I think glrnet wants to ban me
  21. Is that some sort of threat? A fist letter? Like a knuckle sandwich? lol Not funny Neil he said pm stood for punching message
  22. I know if I was part of the clique and sucked up yes I would be "liked" more. But my opinion differs from others I see that as no bad thing. I don't use bad language, threats or insults to get my point across. So I personally don't see the problem other than my views don't "fit" with what people want. Can you honestly tell me wills posts/threads arent allways about foreigners being a certain way. Post what you like on a public forum but then don't moan if your called on your rubbish IMO. Also I am actually helpful on the forum when people have problems with their car. There is only a handful of us like that tbh.
  23. Ifabricate! That's the theory of it and everyone foes it this way but they still have stubborn airlock issues! The water galleries are very convoluted so the is always some air trapped witching the system. The devise Dblock posted up works quite well and I could find it in the UK a while back. My method works and serves me well for years now. I have considered a breather tank but can't find the space to put it as this is the ultimate way to get an airless coolant system. So I don't see your point when its obvious that the SOP does not always work. I know your method works but I got mine off eBay recently? I can send you the link?
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