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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. No but that's not why I think it's naff. Even if I had a phd I wouldn't stuff it down people's throat. Stuffing it down people's throat, what an email? Wow. Exactly. Three little letters within an email signature is hardly having a party on someones front lawn with your motor board on your head screaming how much better than everyone else they are.... Wasn't saying he was stuffing it down my throat? People who do stuff like that, correct peoples grammar and spelling have massive egos. Always. They have to let you know at any possibility they are better than you. Just like everyone in a flash car is a ****er. #generalisation No its not a generalisation 2 guys I know. both are professors. 1 insists on being called professor and just acts like prat and has a high opinion of himself. Thinks everyone else is stupid. Other is a professor in a different field but is the head of his department etc etc. He is very polite, doesn't want to be called professor etc etc. We have very good debates about things. #notgenerlisation If you have a flash car and your drive it round and round town, basically do stuff to get noticed in it you are a prat. If your one of those people that just happens to mention his car costs more than my house your a prat. If you drive a nice car and humble about it I will respect that person as I love expensive cars IRL.
  2. I agree no good when your going for a sneaky peak and the music comes out blaring .
  3. No but that's not why I think it's naff. Even if I had a phd I wouldn't stuff it down people's throat. Stuffing it down people's throat, what an email? Wow. Exactly. Three little letters within an email signature is hardly having a party on someones front lawn with your motor board on your head screaming how much better than everyone else they are.... Wasn't saying he was stuffing it down my throat? People who do stuff like that, correct peoples grammar and spelling have massive egos. Always. They have to let you know at any possibility they are better than you.
  4. Load of rubbish. The most academic people I have worked with are the biggest idiots. When most peoples car are broken they take it to a garage. Is it because they are too clever to fix them themselves? Most rich business men are they academic? I mean if they are so clever why aren't they rich?
  5. Some people say it gives you a better grip when taking portrait photos. But you can more battery's in so longer battery life. But I personally perfect to just carry 2 rechargeable battery's its smaller and easier for me. It's rare the battery dies at one event.
  6. No but that's not why I think it's naff. Even if I had a phd I wouldn't stuff it down people's throat. . There's a minority of people who slate people who drive expensive cars (Ferrari's etc), calling them ******* and show off's etc. The people who do this are the sort that don't own said cars and never will. Anyone that has spent a decade going through GCSE's, A-Levels, Degree's, Master's and a Doctorate, have earnt the right to flaunt it to all and sundry. There is a difference there. If you drive a nice car then that's good for you/them. It's a sign of success and good taste. But if you stuff the fact you drive a Ferrari down someone's throat then you will come across like a bell end. For most people buying a nice car is above a sign of success etc but for a small minority it's an ego thing. They will bring it up or constantly bang on about it. A lot of my family have these degrees but even they dont do the titles thing. If you have to tell someone you are clever your probably not. I don't doubt these degrees are hard work etc etc but it is in no way a sign of how intelligent a person is.
  7. No but that's not why I think it's naff. Even if I had a phd I wouldn't stuff it down people's throat.
  8. I'm not saying that I'm just saying if your looking at it from that point of view you may be disappointed in the performance as straight line isn't really the zed's strength. As above aswell get a gps or use distance as a better guide of speed.
  9. Come on you know I'm right. Trying to impress girls who look like this Seriously though IMO the 350 I know your is a HR but still it doesn't even do 20-60 that fast really. Easily yes but fast meh. IMO it gets much much faster above 70mph as the weight seems to count for less. Thats why I don't take it faster than 70mph it scares me . A modern diesel or hot hatch wont be too far behind as those relatively slow speeds. I don't really see the point of this experiment though?
  10. Nice photo. The great thing about Scotland is your drive about 10mins and you can see scenery like that.
  11. Just its just naff like look at me. C'mon show of that CSE in woodwork man! Lol. It's just something someone with a massive ego would do.
  12. I think with the tein ones 15 or 17mm drop your ok but with the 30mm yes you want adjustables.
  13. That's Alzheimers for you lol! And in his next post denial.
  14. Your paying for the exclusivity. Its the Arabs who asked for it to be made so you think it would be cheap?
  15. didn't you post this like 2 months ago?
  16. You got the wrong exhaust then mine sounds AWEEEEESOMMMME. But I 100% agree with your later post. You buy a car because you like it not because he does.
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