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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Would you be able to do a quick guide on how to connect them to the sidelights? I don't like the drls but I think they look cool when connected to the sidelights.
  2. I think we can ALL agree the image of the 350 has been tarnished since you bought one Amt :-p
  3. Dblock

    Machine Polisher

    Kestrel DAS6 is pretty cheap.
  4. Mine is an auto so I had remove the radiator to get the impact gun and puller in there but most people who have manuals use the cheat bar method. They stick a massive bar on the pulley and on the floor and then crank te engine but not start it. It should crack the bolt and you can get t off. Acess is better without the radiator though.
  5. Il go white then that should go well enough. Cheers though :thumbs;
  6. Ricey and Stuarty. Ricky will not have kind things to say about the car.
  7. Dblock

    Machine Polisher

    I meant to the op
  8. Happy birthday mate! Have a good one.
  9. In reply to people put down the Zed. I disagree personally. I love my Zed bar Rtb I think everyone loved there 350. But we could still see its flaws and disadvantage. As said I love my zed but it's not really that fast and it's lardy etc etc. But I still love it. I'm just realistic about what it is and can do. People who think its the faster car ever or think only rich and the royals drive them need a reality check. Nothing against the car.
  10. Also you can wrap your car in a mad colour without affect resale.
  11. Nice one mate. I love go carting but I'm terrible at it
  12. Your new to this aren't you.
  13. I never tyre of that tipo You know Dan he hates when you mix "tyres"!
  14. It might be a rat look and like your say mechanically sound. To some people cars are just a mode of transport. That's it. No bond or care for the car.
  15. It was. His gloves are black in the intro and red in the ring.
  16. Yes because its willy waving. Aww little flower getting upset I thought it didn't bother you? I used init sarcastically. I'm sure Ewan221 could diagnose me with inferiority complex but you don't know what your talking about. Was your degree in mental health? If not I'd stop branding people with complexes. Just because you have A degree doesn't make you a doctor as well as whatever you got your degree in. I never said a degree was irrelevant but it ISN'T a sign of intelligence. I don't know what or who's post you are reading but you're twisting my words and arguing with yourself. It is a sign of determination, hard work, passion and planning. Would you trust your car with someone straight out of college or a highly skilled mechanic who has done it all his life but according to you because he doesn't have a degree he is stupid. I'd rather leave it with the highly skilled mechanic. Anyway you seem to be getting butthurt by it so I'll just leave it there Agree or disagree with me I really don't mind
  17. I thought all boxers intros where this long?
  18. No but that's not why I think it's naff. Even if I had a phd I wouldn't stuff it down people's throat. Stuffing it down people's throat, what an email? Wow. Exactly. Three little letters within an email signature is hardly having a party on someones front lawn with your motor board on your head screaming how much better than everyone else they are.... Wasn't saying he was stuffing it down my throat? People who do stuff like that, correct peoples grammar and spelling have massive egos. Always. They have to let you know at any possibility they are better than you. Just like everyone in a flash car is a ****er. #generalisation No its not a generalisation 2 guys I know. both are professors. 1 insists on being called professor and just acts like prat and has a high opinion of himself. Thinks everyone else is stupid. Other is a professor in a different field but is the head of his department etc etc. He is very polite, doesn't want to be called professor etc etc. We have very good debates about things. #notgenerlisation If you have a flash car and your drive it round and round town, basically do stuff to get noticed in it you are a prat. If your one of those people that just happens to mention his car costs more than my house your a prat. If you drive a nice car and humble about it I will respect that person as I love expensive cars IRL. Differentiate between driving around town and just driving somewhere, as people do in cars............ When I had my Lambo I never EVER mentioned to anyone, purely to avoid the aspersions of people like you. But people would see me in it or hear about it and make assumptions about me that were completely untrue. In the same way that you assume that anyone who puts letters after their name is in someway showing off or in someway is thrusting their perceived intellect upon you. For, the record I could legally put Bsc, CeFa & CeMap after my name, but I don't, just in case I offend delicate little flowers like you, but I also don't feel insecure by people that do. With all them letters after your name but you didn't read my post properly did you? I didn't say around I said round and round like doin' rounds init. Come on you have to do better than that. Like me? When I see a young guy round here driving a r8 I think good for him. He must have worked hard for that. So you don't know me yet you are telling me how I judge people? I don't care if you stick all the letters after your name you come across with the ego not me? Little flower lol. Your the pencil pusher. I think it comes more to the fact that the middle class would do things like that and the "working" class like me think its obnoxious.
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