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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Your probably right. I didn't think I was being funny like that and found it odd that another member was being overly defensive. Something on the Internet usually reads different to the way you mean it.
  2. Awesome driving although on the straights it makes the 370 looks slow!
  3. Probably but what if the feeling takes you I don't think its going to kill your engine straight away but 1 you will get more power from super, 2 its going to keep everything cleaner 3 you might have a higher average mpg. Not enough to offset the cost but enough to make it worth it over standard.
  4. Thats a good post. I like to read facts not made up rubbish. I get where you are coming from. Thanks Just to be pedantic..... there are actually no 'facts' there just someones opinion 1 persons opinion is another persons 'made up rubbish' surely No doubt but if its an opinion with no basis e.g. lets say I say your Jag is rubbish. You say have you driven it? I say no. Then its made up rubbish. Lets now say you ask me the same question and I say yes I drove it but didn't like xyz and prefer abc then I have a valid opinion with basis. Another example lets say I say your car is slow because its a diesel. It's rubbish with no basis. There is a right and a wrong in that sense. If someone says i prefer the 370 because of the way it is and makes me feel etc then that is opinion. I wasn't having a dig at will even though he seems to think I was all I said was he is off the mark. He made some statements which have no basis e.g. the 370 has way more power. Hardly 20bhp more but it weighs 200kg more and the 987 is faster in a straight line and a track although that counts for little. Thats why I said off the mark, didnt say wrong I just thought he was a little wrong .Then look at badgeronous's post. He just said well I prefer it to the 987 for these reasons. Thats cool as its his opinion on a car based on somethinhg. His was an informative insightful post. I don't see why anyone is getting defensive I never said the 370 was bad? I like all cars as I like to think I'm a petrol head. Just because I drive a nissan doesnt mean I HAVE to love all its cars and everything about them. There are plenty of other nice cars out there.
  5. Might be. But for £3-£5 a tank its not really a massive saving IMO. I'd still use super.
  6. True enough. I think the 350z and 370z are great I just dont see why people have to put other cars down? Then they get defensive? I dunno.
  7. Very true but remember what the comments on your s2k was even though most people have never even driven one.
  8. True enough but I never liked the 350z until I drove it. I always wanted an m3. Image doesn't bother me much tbh. Its like on other forums even the 986/987 ones. Some slag off the 350z but the ones who have drove them have alot of respect for the cars.
  9. Wasn't against you but generally people on here will slag off other cars without even driving one? I said you was off the mark, you took offence when it was just my opinion. Chill out son.
  10. Thats a good post. I like to read facts not made up rubbish. I get where you are coming from. Thanks
  11. wrong forum? The guy is selling a 05?
  12. Glad your liking it. Get some pics up mate
  13. Would be interesting to here on someone who has drove both.
  14. That's missing my point, its not who I'd blame its more the fact that we all join the forum because we enjoy and respect these cars so you'd hope they'd be well looked after. If someone is knowingly putting lesser fuel in to save the pennies it doesn't help the whole cycle regardless of who's owned the car before which is often impossible to accurately know the cars history. If someone wants to put in cheaper fuel thats their decision. I'm still sceptical on this whole super thing. How many cars have failed. 2 out of that many thousands of cars? If you buy a car with 60k and that guy ran it on 95ron then thats 60k worth of damage. No matter how much super you put in you wont reverse the damage that could already have been done. I personally use 99ron as its a jdm and its only a few more quid. But i'm not the fuel police so they can fill up with whatever.
  15. Alot of ps3's where sold because of the blu ray player. Same thing xbox is trying to do now.
  16. What if a member owned the car ran it off 99 during their 2 years of ownership sold it to you but previous owners never and the car blew up on you. Would you blame the previous owner?
  17. does it come with a dpf as id get that out too.
  18. And a very simple and cheap (£500) remap takes it to 320bhp and enough torque to tow the Isle of Skye And probably enough torque to make it fairly undeliverable on the good old damp british roads. Not with all that weight there are silly remaps available and sensible ones, I don't want to wheel spinning in every gear in the dry let alone the wet I won't be getting it done for at least a year, thats what I did with tge Zed learnt to drive it and what it could do, then got an UpRev when I could appreciate it... I'd remap if straight away tbh as more mpgs. But more power and I will be perkier. Also I bet the traction control works unlike the zed.
  19. I heard BBK's duvet is rigid and brittle like glass?
  20. Tbh most people who don't want to buy a car that's been ran on standard. Usually JDM's have been run on the good stuff since they where made.
  21. I was just asking if you have driven one. As then you could accurately compare side by side. No need to get defensive about it. You said about the power and character I was looking to see of 20bhp would make a difference with the weight. I just thought your reasons where not very logical hence the car must get you on an emotional level. But whatever.
  22. Have you driven a boxster or cayman? But tbh no matter what people buy their car always has more "character". Also the power is irrelevant IMO for a few reasons 1. you can buy something with more power than either, the cayman is a goodbit lighter and whats 20bhp here or there hardly way more. Also arguably the Porsche has a better chassis and can exploit that power much better. The benefits of mid engine. I'm not questioning that you love your car but I think your a little off the mark tbh. I think the main reason people like their car is because it fits their criteria, budget and gets them on an emotional level.
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