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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. I think she is hawt. I don't know why.
  2. I always thought breakfast of champions was last nights kebab?
  3. I 42c isn't even that hot. People have played more intense sports at hotter tempretures.
  4. Of course. Il openly admit I could never take photos as good as above but £150 is expensive to me but not so much to you guys. But I won't lose much on anything I've bought and I've not invested £1000's into the camera. For me it's just for fun really. If you have no real reason to upgrade the kit lens then I complete agree. Like I said it just didn't work for me. Those canon L lenses are silly priced though lol.
  5. For once I agree with him Not my fault your infrequently wrong
  6. Sets it off a little more IMO.
  7. Dblock

    New qashqai

    Is this what happens when you have kids? You start making threads about qashqais?! Does look a lot meaner, maybe a little bit more infinity?
  8. YES! I do love this site but the past year it has gone cliquey. Thats IMO so chill peeps. Also there have been some really good members recently like yourself Suits who are pretty chill. Other that argue with someone who has had the car since 2009 (wow long time). Also the mods where way more chilled out before and IMO where less authoritarian. That said I still enjoy the site very much and thats all IMO so please don't give me the oh if you don't like it get lost crap. Just some changes ive seen over the 5 years (wow)
  9. Would you consider 2nd hand?
  10. Not really a a photographer of cars or at all really. TBH I only ended up with an DSLR because I thought those small digi camera with 20megapixels where crap and seemed to be getting worse! Had a cousins wedding coming up so got a 500d second hand with less than 10k actuations for £250! That was like 3-4 years ago. Got a shot of a kit lens of a friend. Thought the camera was duff. He then give me a shot of a 85mm f2.8 lens and that was much much better. I tend to take photo's of people indoors and the lighting is generally pants. Got a 50mm f1.8 and a sigma 17-70mm. It was f2.8 at 17mm but went to about 4.5 soon after. Again rubbish for indoors. Didn't get on with it that well although colours where really nice. I only got that one since people say oh f4.5 is fine blah blah, Not for me even with the iso jacked up still having trouble getting a good image. So finally got the tammy 17-50mm f2.8 non stabilizing. Got it for about £150 second hand. Honestly its pin sharp, gives lovely detail and f2.8 throughout is great for indoor night shooting. It means my family can take pictures with no camera shake and so on which is handy too. I pretty much shot everything on the 50mm f1.8 for ages. I don't do composed images, I don't bother with photoshopping etc. I kwow its better but I quite like the raw feel. At my cousins wedding the photographer took the photos that where expected but everyone said my photo's captured the mood and what was happening better which I was happy about. Things I have learned but are probably wrong though, learn to shoot on a fixed lens. It will take a little guess work out and make you work the shot more IMO. Never ever buy brand new. If you buy a camera body for £1000. Its worth £500 next week. If you buy a second hand body for £500 its worth £475 next week. I also disagree with spending money on the lens. It makes all the difference. A guy I work with has a 50d and he bangs on about how good it is and blah blah. Everyone says my picture quality was better and better lit. Why? Better lens. Also coming back to the 2nd hand thing you buy a new lens for £600 its worth £400 tomorrow so if you don't like it reasons change etc your £200 down. But a second hand lens for £400 it will be worth that all day long if you keep it nice. All IMO of course and I should say the kit lens isn't pap. But for what I need my camera for it isn't the most suitable. Also I'm terrible at taking photos. Like really bad my brother is actually better but I quite enjoy it so I do it
  11. I think its you will. I think you go on it for that smiley you love using so much.
  12. WMR1980 you must have a good job. That food sounds proper expensive,
  13. I found people who like canon hate nikon and vice versa. Both the same but different to me.
  14. Not much help but most kit lens are pap IMO. Spend some moolah on a good lens and then both cameras will shine. I got a tamron 18-55mm f2.8 from 18-55. Sharp as a pin. The kit lens I was always a little disappointed with as I take pictures indoor with not great lighting. Canon also has the cheapy 50mm f1.8 which is a star IMO. The thing that swayed me to canon was that lens where easier to come by and generally seemed a little cheaper and the nikon ones harder second hand that is. Nikon cameras seem a little better specs wise though IMO. I have a 500d and it does all that I ask in manual or program but changing the lens made all the difference.
  15. Exactly. I weigh a ton and have never been to the gym.
  16. Nice one mateí ½í± I cant seem to find it now? I only bought it last year aswell. I'll see if I can dig out a receipt!
  17. Was that one of the mods you did out of your Benefits...??? .. Actually 2 weeks of saving I got it done. Surprising how much good a doctors note can do you I got it done from a member on Talkaudio. Very nice guy. Not a shop or anything though. I would say double that and your doing good for a full upgrade, speakers, sub, amped, active crossover etc etc.
  18. I take back all that stuff I said about you now.
  19. Well I've been told I do look like a scrotum so...
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