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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Thank you! I'm been telling people this for ages but they keep coming up with well tcs issues. This is coming from people who have never changed the tyre size on their car. I've been running 40 profiles for 2 years and it's probably one of my favourite changes.
  2. No lol. Gets rid of the balloon tyre look. Makes the car a little lower. Tyres cost less. Better range of tyres like f1a2's. better response when turning in. less weight. Better looking. I wouldn't go with the vreds though. They are alright but other tyres last much much longer than them.
  3. You can change it slightly with cipher and more with an uprev.
  4. Saying its good he is dead is just disgusting IMO. DId he drive recklessly yeah he did. But maybe if he had focuses his efforts properly he would have been a great racing drive or stunt driver or what ever. Someone has lost their dad, brother, husband and son and you say good. Thats just honestly horrible. I'm not saying it wasnt coming or anything, outside of driving like that he might have been a really really nice guy. Who knows. Someone said the same thing on another thread that left behind a little girl. Makes me sick tbh. Also remember a m5 has about 280bhp from that era just like our cars. So be carefully out there people.
  5. The is a little box with fuses on the positive 99% it will be that and then check the other fuses too.
  6. Mates little brother has a Cayenne S 4.5 v8 and he is 17 so it can be done
  7. I did but most significantly I spent fricking weeks chewing Dblock and Biscuits ears off........summarily ignored their advice (including Dblocks very specific advice regarding the very same problem that killed the car) and went and bought a 60k car for 5k..........blind. Mercs of that era can be a little shoddy but if you do your homework you can avoid experiances like mine. Basically I'm a dick. Lol. It's all experience at the end of the day. I personally really like Mercs and BMWs for mile munching. But a complicated one with everything in it would have been £60k and over so when they break they are expensive. Had that car not had that specific issue I still believe I would be smiling away now with a V8 grumble behind me. Unfortunately as with most things 'Ricey' I insist on learning the hard way! If you didn't learn of that 5k car you might have learned on a £30k car. Air suspension is something else too.
  8. I disagree. If the zed was getting 10mpg I don't think most of us would have one. I think it's a good balance between economy and power.
  9. I like them. Mpss are the tyres to beat ATM but they a1s hate great too IMO.
  10. Not a fan but props for being different mate. If you like it, its all that matters.
  11. I did but most significantly I spent fricking weeks chewing Dblock and Biscuits ears off........summarily ignored their advice (including Dblocks very specific advice regarding the very same problem that killed the car) and went and bought a 60k car for 5k..........blind. Mercs of that era can be a little shoddy but if you do your homework you can avoid experiances like mine. Basically I'm a dick. Lol. It's all experience at the end of the day. I personally really like Mercs and BMWs for mile munching. But a complicated one with everything in it would have been £60k and over so when they break they are expensive.
  12. They are ok in the wet. Ok. That's IMO. Also they dont deal well with standing water. Mpss is super sports. Both super sports and eagle f1s are a much much better tyres as they deal with standing water better, better dry grip and they last much longer. So even though your spending more upfront you dont need to change them as often.
  13. IVe read these before, its what made me choose vred tyres. But it says vreds are mid range, potenza 040 are premium. Even though 040 have terrible reviews and majority of people are driving a ford mondeo, not quite the same. Although the link is good for getting general idea of wear and usability in rain Which is precisely why that site is rubbish. It's asking people who have no clue what they're talking about what they think about tyres, and usually when people spend more they justify it by saying what they bought was great. Sounds like someone I know. Seriously unless youve ordered then I wouldn't go for VUS. They are decent but they are far far to soft and wear out way to quick. So a more expensive tyre like a eagle f1 or mpss is more expensive but you get more grip, double the life and they don't hydro plane like the VUS.
  14. I've heard the ford units suck. Dmf and injector problems are expensive. For 3k what about an Ibiza pd130. Decat and your running 160ish bhp and a crap load of torque. Or a Octavia, bora, Leon, golf, passat, a4 1.9tdi? A few odd ones but if it's motorway miles I'd stil perfer a German diesel. Clio 172 average 36mpg, quick, lots of equipment. 330d e46 will be higher miles but still nice cars. Mx5. Small fun? Lexus gs300?
  15. I might get flamed for this but if she is your soul mate why you still here? Id go canada. What keeps you here. It you say that's your soul mate it would take more than moving to the other side of the world to get away from me. Also you can feel down for a few days but dont fall into a endless circle of feeling sorry for yourself. I lost a few years doing that. Also you need to take responsibility in your life for things that go wrong too. When your feeling down you generally start pointing the finger at everyone which isn't helpful. It may be different in your case from what I've seen from myself and other people it's always that way. Lastly you need to grow as a person. If this certain chapter in your life is closed as long as you have taken the experience etc from it and are a better person for it then it's win win.
  16. For that price I'd get better than both imo.
  17. Also the 2.7 v6 is slow. Very slow. It's also boring and heavy on fuel.
  18. I can name lots of things but what's the fizz? IMO id get a mile munching bomb proof diesel.
  19. I put my change in it? Thats why ash trays where invented? Even people who smoke don't use the ash trays.
  20. Dblock


    surely by the time you typed that out you would have seen someone above already said that? :lol:
  21. What alot of people don't realise is that cleaning the cars, having them take up room, depreciation, tax, wages, vat etc etc costs money.
  22. Dblock

    New car

    E39's are great for eating miles!
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