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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. You wonder how you get that reputation.
  2. why would you swap and m3 for a 350z?
  3. don't use their gear oil though. There has been alot of bad things been said about it.
  4. Also not on the computer but worked out from how many miles to how many litres of fuel I average 26mpg when doing shorter journeys or when hotter but average 31mpg most weeks. My 172 used to manage 35-37 on average.
  5. Sell it. Otherwise you just peeing money on a lost cause,
  6. Are you sure? Lowering 30mm everyone in the states aswell runs them to get them back into specs.
  7. Your lambdas are probably past it. Might not trigger anything but it's usually the best place to start. It's the pre's that do the fuel mix and the post that check the cats are working.
  8. Your not meant to regas aircon as its a closed system. IMO before you get it done just use aircon for 2-3 days all the time and I bet it will go ice cold again.
  9. AWESOME!!! See this is what IMO alot of people don't get about the GTR as in the r35. Yes its as fast as many more expensive cars but when it downshifted it twice and floored it you get that raw visceral sound which makes you feel funny. IMO a ferrari lambo etc can do that but a silly fast r35 doesn't excite me like even a 360 would.
  10. Lol comparing a bad driver to bin laden. Lulz indeed.
  11. You ill get little money because you wont post IMO.
  12. What type of RE you running? A few years ago I had a RE XXX v3 15" in a 4cuft box and port tuned to 33hz. It was awesome!
  13. Think 99% is optimistic. Most get it wrong! Orange palms :O A hot girl with orange palms is still good for me
  14. Off topic slightly (sorry) Why the hate for fake tans? I think if women want to do it fine plus it makes them look better 99% of the time.
  15. is a 60k car 10x better than a 6k zed and it goes on nothing works like that. Sit in a car that has a good setup doesn't even have to be expensive but just good and you will hear what you can be missing out on.
  16. Could have had a different engine put in. There is a diesel z in the USA.
  17. I always find tht forums are like this. With all the banter and that, but i think Its hard to tell what banter is throught cyber Chating. Hard to understand its like texting. You read it your way, when it's sent in a total differnt way. I think from now on I'm not gunna bother doing "topics" coz Everytime I do someone criticises me. Cheers then 'thumbs' Don't give into the hate. I only said what I said not to be nasty or critical but so you can learn a little more etc. If your happy then that's all the matters why care what I or anyone else thinks. Plus your thread might have helped many people. Trust me I love a bargain more than anyone.
  18. Wait till you put the oem one in your hand compared to that ams one! Also build quality on the ams is also nicer than oem.
  19. Worst audio thread. Evar. You do realise you put in a coax speaker which has a mounted tweeter? Also I like clarity over bass so in going to put 2 x 12 subs in lol. Plus clarity would mean your going to amp the door speakers and replace them with some half decent speakers. I don't mean to sound like I'm having a go as Its a good job you have done etc erc but I would research more into audio before you post or do some weird stuff
  20. 9th of July. Had no spoiler and dark rays?
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