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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. Just add o on the end of the words. Or is that Italian? Tbh you can learn some here but when you go there you will pick it up faster.
  2. It's a pretty heavy car so is slow off the mark. The 350 is pretty slow. Are you comparing this to lack of kick to another 350?
  3. Clicked on the link. Headlines are a little misleading. Basically the guy was writing down the reg plate cos they didn't pay. Then they drove into him. He was hit and on the bonnet. He grabbed into the wipers to stop himself falling off or under the car.
  4. Happy to hear you got it resolved. You can mess around with the butterfily valve just as you did do the idle relearn later. You could fit a catch can on each side to stop this happening, or just clean it every service or 2.
  5. Dblock

    My Supra

    Wow crazy fast. Would it not be a little floaty with those speeds with no downforce? As in if you done away with the spoilers. Plus I always think the supra shape needs the spoiler it just looks right.
  6. No no wasn't asking you to take a side, but I'm glad you see what I mean by the rest of it. Plus you know what me and him are like on a debate. But you know we don't hold it against each other. It's seems to be everyone else that has been wound up, I quite enjoyed it. Infact I bet ekona did too and I brought a smirk to his face. Pleading the 5th? You see more fights at school then any of us do so you know what I'm on about
  7. LOL you know me better then that and you know how this place works. You see what i'm on about.
  8. Dblock

    My Supra

    It needs a wing! It's part of the supra's look. I take it the oem one doesn't really do much? I thought because it was massive it really pushed the rear down, but I see a few supra's with no spoilers.
  9. and who has that? TBH it was just a normal back and forth between me an ekona like always. I have no problem with ekona and I bet he is cool with me. It's everyone else trying to get forum clique points. Its like when you was in a fight (i'm not saying me and dan where fighting far from it) but most of the other posters are the people around the sided going fight na na na fight. It's the usual he has alot of posts or something along them lines so I bet suck up to him. One person comes with a different side to it and its a fight? Hardly. If some of you think anything along them lines was near a fight you need to switch off your pc and go outside
  10. lol. Going through ambur then red. e.g. If I am close to the light and its gone ambur then red as im passing it I wouldn't have slowed down. Also no speeding but no harsh acceleration either as that can get you an asbo.
  11. Brake? Not sarcastic im serious. What makes you better than the law? It's a limit. You drive at the speed limit so you and others can react in time to changes. Red light jumping as you say but it's going through Ambur is slightly dangerous. Just silly. But speeding is no joke.
  12. Speeding is more dangerous than going through a red light. Only an idiot would speed. There is no excuse for speeding. Why did you speed and put everyone's life in danger? Tsk tsk.
  13. Yes that sounds right. Near the bonnet release on fhe bottom of the dash?
  14. Take a picture of your calipers put them on here so we know what size you need. Then you can try the traders on here like zman or CS. There is also other places online but if you don't know what you need they will make sure you get what you need.
  15. Good man! If you do have a washable filter it will need reoiled after.
  16. Check the connections going to it. Also I can remember 1-2 people's jobd port being relocated for some reason.
  17. Well if it's a washable one then the special detergent. If its not a washable one then throw it out and get a new one. Also what you going to use on the maf?
  18. Your last post wasnt "aimed" at me? It wasnt aimed it was a response to your last post.
  19. So you didn't get caught speeding in France. I'm sure you was saying they give you a hefty fine and make you pay it there and then? 110% agree with Luke's, dedmans and smd's posts. Also saying spouting crap is hardly making the swear filter work. It's nicer than what I could of said plus ekona is a big boy his feeling don't get hurt so easily. Plus his posts are hardly love letters to me. Didn't realise it was against argumentative to have a different opinion. Some people also agree with what I'm saying but guess just because they don't say what the forum cliques say they are argumentative.
  20. Very generous offer. I've seen alot worse seats go for a decent bit of money on eBay.
  21. They can be. Some JDM models got the golden brembos. But the lower models didn't. The lower models got the standard JDM brakes which are smaller and have less pistons. The brembos are 4 pot front and 2 pot at the back I'm sure. Standard JDM are 2 pot front and single piston at the back but I could be wrong.
  22. Also s2k is great as its a proper convertible so looks good with roof down or up. Plus roof down makes you feel more involved too.
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