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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. its funny cos I bet the one person who criticises everyones car choice wont post.
  2. Tbh that's worth that in a few parts alone.
  3. I've not named any student in person, I've not refereed to any parents by name, I've not mentioned the school I work at, I've not used my actual name. And I'm entitled to an opinion just like you. With regards to parents. Pretty much every screwed up kid you can trace the issue back to the parents. Its not a sweeping statement its fact. And my issue is every man and his dog has an opinion on what teachers should and shouldn't be doing. Everyone seems to know best, but very few are willing to actually step forward and do the job themselves. But you are correct that there are issues in the education system. We have an assessment system that only caters for 80% of the students going through it. We have a setup focussed on league tables which breeds a culture of prepping for exams and not actual learning. You have politicians deciding on curriculums with no actual experience of the job and very little consultation with actual industry in what they want out of newly trained students. There is little emphasis on vocational subjects. An observatory body that moves the goal posts to suit the political agenda and the poor setup from exam boards. Schools being able to quote performance figures excluding English and maths but including sub standard qualifications. Falling budgets, growing class sizes, no new schools being built. I could go on. Yes the system is flawed but lots of us try to do the best with what we have to use. dude your biting.
  4. what do you drive? A car. Is that weird? look at this big man laughing at what anyone else drives but wont tell anyone what he drives.
  5. I cant afford a new car. Not even a halfway new car, then i will keep it for a long time, so yes that is actually a big part of it for me.
  6. Still perfer do it nice or do it twice :-p. I agree too. I think we are blinded by facts and figures sometimes and forget these things.
  7. Dont remember paying £72K for my 350 though Honestly the way amt goes on about 350's you would think they cost twice that
  8. This explains a lot. Especially why your so angry alot of the time
  9. Didn't do it nice and now your doing it twice. tsk tsk.
  10. But amt it is sparse but touch it and feel it. It wont feel cheap its strong good quality stuff all around and usually in leather. Germans love the subtle sober look. Plus in 10 years the 350z will creak and groan and the porsche wont. Trust me on that.
  11. 350z owner slagging off any other interior is funny.
  12. All modern German cars take over 6litres. Cheaper than buying 2 x 5ls than whatever it takes.
  13. I thought that car already has a dc sports exhaust on?
  14. The worst actually is the old 986's they had the 993 Brick of a mobile steering wheel.
  15. German cars in general aren't the flashiest but they are usually comfy and easy to navigate. They will stay good for years like IMO the 350z interior. Re the 986 interior it is terrible but in such a car what do you need really. It's pretty focused. Only thing I don't like is window switches and the indicators feel like 10p toothbrushes. Other than that it is leather and solid.
  16. Just looked up some pics. There is some on a golf a newer one and it looks good!
  17. I thought we would get some funny YouTube link or something. Cool story bro.
  18. especially halfords!! Yeah I cant wait to speak to grumpy teenagers and buy over priced stuff.
  19. BEAST!! But why do you need that sound system in the back when you have such a lovely one under the bonnet... Love it.
  20. I use then on "normal" cars. They don't squeal if installed correctly or with a shim. Dusty but not worse than the oem pad tbh.
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