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Everything posted by Dblock

  1. 911s are timeless. You can argue the with an Aston Martin they all look the same but it's not a bad thing. You see 30 of them on the way to work for a good reason. I wonder how long they can keep going with the rear engine rear wheel drive. I always thought really the cayman has a better fundamental setup. Plus 986's/987's with 3.6-3.8 really really shift.
  2. Cool story bro. Funny thing is i think that means you agree.
  3. Don't busy anyone's chops really. I'm more chilled out then what most people think. Honestly though and I know this is a cliche it's not me it's everyone else Also loving memes and gifs atm yes late to the game but you can blame a guy I know for that
  4. I thought some had more than 300bhp They do of course. But my point being is the 350z isnt the out and out sports car people think or want it to be. It's slower than most diesel barges and pseudo sports cars these days. Doesn't make it a bad thing as the 350 excels in many areas IMO especially the non tangible ones. Plus IMO its a purdy car. BUT don't kid your self into thinking you drive one of thr fastest things on the road as these is many many many things much much much faster than the Z. So if you want to talk about "going fast" then you should have bought a faster more concentrated car.
  5. Every forum has one and if not your it yawn.
  6. 350z is a Nissan with less than 300bhp and weighs the same as a house. Why not buy a proper fast car.
  7. +1. If you need to ask your not ready for one. I don't agree with that, anyone can go to a garage a buy a car with a turbo on it, they wouldn't get turned away and told to research it... Not everyone wants to know all the ins & outs, if I had a Zed and wanted a turbo I would just take it somewhere and say 'make it so' I personally feel that's missing the point of it but each to their own.
  8. He's a multi millionaire, you're not, I'm not either, but he must be doing something right. I'm old and have seen bands like The Who and many more that you'll never see or, probably appreciate, and they play all their own instruments. I have a diverse taste in music, which is not exclusive to Will i am, but I found a strange affinity to this particular tune. I'll get bored with it, but I've no idea what music you are currently into, which I suspect, will not stand, neither the test of time, or next weeks charts, Yeah, I must've failed then So a drug dealer and paris hilton are better people then you? Chart music? What am I a 12 year old girl? You saw the who? cool story bro.
  9. Someone metioned choons and Will.i.am in the same thread. Fail.
  10. +100000000 Not everyone buys a car to go fast. Cars are different things to different people. And seeing what some of the vag owners do alot might say ohh its this or that but they add character and they mods their cars. Mod is the wrong word personalise unlike people on here thinking spacers and a stubby aerial and warrant them being in the next fast and furious.
  11. RIch your getting old... Wearing jeans above where your bum becomes your legs is fine.
  12. I don't think the wheels would fit without the camber. These are old vag style tricks to get low and get wide wheels. Camber so you can get wider wheels in and stretch on the tyre to make them even lower profile.
  13. Been reading your own posts again?
  14. Not just about bhp. Torque plays a massive factor. Gearing etx. Technically the 430 and thr 911 have a traction advantage but lose out in torque as they have no turbos. Having a car with 500bhp and 500nm of torque us a lot different to having 500bhp and 250nm. Just an example.
  15. +1. If you need to ask your not ready for one.
  16. Loving a bit of gif atm. We are having a laugh.
  17. Won't you miss the power of the turbo mps? The zed is alot slower than you think. What sort of power are you running on that?
  18. Who died and left you boss? :-p
  19. Did you try the one from eBay from china. Obdmate I think it was called.
  20. If you get angry by that tiny little scratch you need to go anger management. You should be happy that it's not worse. I'm sure she feels worse then you do. Tbh a smart repairer can fix that easily.
  21. 99.99% they can't remap the zed. Only 3 companies have uprev to do it.
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